A monthly update from Team Expansion

Disciple Making Movement Video

“My dream is that we have over a thousand passionate disciple makers that are training others to be disciple makers.” – Team Expansion missionary in Ghana

Watch the video.

15 Years a Seeker

Dissatisfied with the traditions of Islam, KP began a search for Truth. Fifteen years later, he finally found it.

Read KP’s story

Featured Opportunity

What’s Your Area?

Team Expansion wants to see the Gospel presented to every remaining people group in the world.  Whatever your giftings are, the Kingdom of God can use you.

We’re seeking everyone from business professionals, administrators, teachers, medical personnel, agricultural specialists, artists, students, and stay-at-home moms who are willing to carry the Gospel to those who have yet to hear it!

If you are interested in these opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests

Praise God for the many men and women in Ghana who are hearing the Gospel, letting it transform their lives, and sharing it with others. Pray for more disciple-making disciples in that nation.

Pray for seekers in many unreached countries who are desperately searching for Truth. Ask God to send His people into these ripe fields so that all might hear the Good News.

Pray for Team Expansion as we train more workers this month.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Miriam Matters
During a prayer journey to pre-war Syria, in the city of Aleppo, I captured photos of a number of unforgettable people. One of those was of a young school-girl we called Miriam. We prayed for her. It was as if she represented all Syrians for us, even though she was one anonymous little girl.
Four years later, as Team Expansion full-timers began to arrive in the region, I led a second prayer journey to Syria. While there, we decided one day that we would try to find her. All we had to go on was one snapshot — in a city of 2 million people. After many hours, one local informant recognized an ad on a lamp-post in the background of the photo. Thirty minutes later, we were drinking tea with “Miriam” and her family. She was a shy, dark-eyed 12-year-old with bright hopes in a promising future. She didn’t have email — and messages to her uncle haven’t been answered since. No one knows now if she’s even still alive. But Miriam still matters. She matters to us — and she matters to God.
That’s why Emerald Hills exists. Over the past two weeks at Emerald Hills, 20 new full-timers have been training for global deployment. Last Wednesday, two dozen 10-week short-term workers returned for debriefing of their summer of service. And today, as I write this article, another 20 saints arrive to begin Kairos training to understand and sense God’s heart for the nations. These world-changers will share the Good News of Christ to Miriam’s throughout the nations to 2.9 billion unreached people. Your prayer and partnership with Emerald Hills make all this happen. Miriam matters to us. And we know she does for you as well. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

Emerald Hills June Financial Report

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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