7 Tips from Missionaries!

While missionaries certainly face some different situations, they are basically just forgiven Christ-followers who are being obedient and faithful in the circumstances God has given them.

We’ve identified seven key practices that each Team Expansion missionary enlists in their effort to serve God’s Kingdom. Using them will drastically transform your own ministry – even at home.

Learn the 7 Practices!


Faith With Certainty

He could pray whenever he wanted, in his own language, without the need for anyone else to be present. He could hear God speaking to him in his heart language.

He had certainty to his faith.

Read About This 80-year-old Believer

Remembering the Hard Times

My friend has taught me many things. One of the greatest is enduring hope.

“Life here is so hard,” she told me. “One day, though, it will all be over, and the sadness will end. It will be happiness forever.”

Discover Her Hope

Featured Opportunity
Teachers! Teachers! Teachers!
There is an urgent and desperate need for teachers to serve missionaries and their families in fields around the world.

If teachers don’t go, many families will be forced to leave their fields to care for the educational needs of their children. This role is vital!

If you are interested in this or any other opportunity, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Praise God for the ways He brings plans together and accomplishes mighty things for His Kingdom.

Pray for more men and women to discover a great faith in Christ, even in the last days of their life.

Ask God to equip missionaries serving in unreached nations to be faithful, creative, and wise as they deliver the Good News.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

The A-Team: When a Plan Comes Together

By Doug Lucas

Remember that old “A-Team” show? Hannibal would say, “I love it when a plan comes together!” This past month, we saw a great example of a plan coming together as a direct result of prayer.

A family from Venezuela (new believers discipled by Team Expansion’s Venezuela Team) were willing to join the team in Spain, but lacked the financial support to do so. One evening at a training event, our VP of Outreach pulled me aside and asked me to “watch and pray” with him that something would happen.

The very next morning, our website received a [very random] message from a man in Florida, wanting to know if we happened to know of anyone with a work in Spain. I returned the call. Turns out he was a Global Outreach guy with a church of 6,000 members. They had prayed for a full year, asking God for help getting started in southern Spain.

Four weeks later, we were there, sharing workshops about Spain, along with how to make disciples who make disciples (both in Spain and in Florida).

God worked in a mighty way. Today, just two months after the initial prayer, the Venezuelan couple is hard at work in Spain and the church in Florida is extremely happy to be engaged in ministry there.

Emerald Hills is a catalyst for people, places, and plans, all coming together. This past week, I heard about a man who walked up to his church with a check for $2.4 million dollars — enough to buy a new building they wanted to purchase. Please pray that God would raise up partners for creating a new wing with sleeping space for missionaries here at Emerald Hills. We would LOVE it if THAT plan would come together too!

Emerald Hills Financial Report: December

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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