

Three Questions to Ask about Business as Missions

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that the phrase Business As Missions (BAM) means a lot of things to a lot of people.So, how do we cut through the fog and find some clarity on BAM and our personal place in the movement?

As I coach people through the process of exploring their calling in the marketplace, I find it helpful to ask 3 simple questions.

Answer these 3 questions about BAM!


Experience four stories of folks in Ecuador whose lives have been forever changed because of their encounter with the grace of Christ.


Zúme Update

The Zúme Project is well underway and we are seeing and hearing about the greatness of God at the forefront of it all!

Read an update


Featured Opportunity

Medical Professionals
Team Expansion has several fields where those with medical (or veterinary) experience would be a great asset, both short-term and as a long commitment.

Could you use your medical training to introduce the Gospel to the unreached in the world?

For information about this or any other position, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Pray With Us

Pray for those who are using their business experience to advance the Kingdom of God. Ask Him to send more workers skilled in every field who will shine brightly in dark lands.

Praise God for many transformed lives in Ecuador! Ask Him to equip His church there to multiply.

Glory to God for the discipleship, growth, and multiplication happening through the Zume Project. May His Name be praised all the more.


Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Give a Lift (to Send the Word around the World)

A giving opportunity already sponsored by a matching gift for $15,000

We mentioned two months ago that when we built the Prayer Center and atrium in 2009, the city of Louisville let us get by temporarily without an elevator.

We also shared that, having watched for several winters as some of our more senior staff people try to negotiate the stairs, and our wheel-chair-using staff and visitors head out into the rain, snow and ice to roll around the long service road loop (just to get downstairs for a meeting), we finally have said enough is enough.

We floated the idea to several key partners and the Indian Creek Christian Church picked up the baton. They’ve created a matching gift fund that will literally double any gift (up to the first $15,000) given to this campaign.

Installing the elevator (a simple service lift — but an adequate solution none the less) will cost us just over $30,000 (maybe $32,000, actually, by the time we finish out the trim).

So here’s a great giving opportunity for July and August:
If you aren’t already giving to the work of Team Expansion, would you consider a generous gift to “Give a Lift (to Send the Word Around the World)” by covering the cost of getting our staff and trainees up and down to their classes and meetings. Their classes prepare them for reaching unreached peoples — and their meetings formulate strategies to change lives in over 40 countries around the world.

The Creek has made it extremely attractive (Thank you Indian Creek!). It’s easy to participate. Just click to to give online. Be sure to note in the comment line, “Lift.”

Or send a check to Team Expansion – Lift
4112 Old Routt Road
Louisville, KY 40299

We hope and pray to begin construction no later than September 1 (earlier if we reach the goal prior to that date). Thanks for any help you can lend to “Give a Lift (to Send the Word Around the World!)”

Note: To track the progress of this campaign, keep an eye on the campaign progress page at

Thanks again for your prayers!

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: May 2017

Give Online
Multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached
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4112 Old Routt Road

LouisvilleKY 40299