Brigada Today 2018/02/18
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) Christian Prayer Resources
Jump to…2) Study Applied Linguistics in Southern California
Jump to…3) Free Online Expository Preaching Refresher
Jump to…4) Send Them Out Better-Equipped
Jump to…5) Discipleship Plans in Swahili and Filipino
Jump to…6) Maybe You can Phone Home For Free From Anywhere in the World
Jump to…7) Where Do We Turn for Bibles in Other Languages?
Jump to…8) Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Workshop, Orlando FL
Jump to…9) Another Easy Way To Memorize Scripture
Jump to…10) SRS Public Bootcamp 2018 Schedule
Jump to…11) Biblically-Based Online Class Designed For Women
Jump to…12) Updated Harvest Information Systems (HIS) Registries website
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Still Reflecting on a Great Jeep Commercial
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

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1) Christian Prayer Resources

Please visit the Christian Prayer Resources website to find information on some of the best prayer books, prayer ministries and organizations, prayer websites, sermons on prayer, online prayer articles, tips and more.

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2) Study Applied Linguistics in Southern California

Language is crucial to cross-cultural ministry. If you desire training in linguistics to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ, many would urge you to complete a Master’s in Applied Linguistics. It offers foundational and core courses, plus specialized electives to prepare for work in Bible translation, literacy, Scripture in use, and TESOL. Biola University’s M.A. in Applied Linguistics is the only such program at a U.S. Christian university! For more information, click to…

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3) Free Online Expository Preaching Refresher

Get insightful video coaching with practical downloadable guides to strengthen skills and help pastors and ministry workers excel in expository preaching. This is a free gift from Olford Ministries International, Inc., and the Stephen Olford Ministry Legacy.
Register at:

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4) Send Them Out Better-Equipped

It costs a lot to send out and care for people in overseas ministry. In view of that, how can we increase the likelihood that our sent-ones will have an effective and productive experience? Mission Smart: 15 Critical Questions To Ask Before Launching Overseas (by David L Frazier with Equipping Servants Int’l) was written for overseas ministry candidates, church leaders, and mission agencies to discover the right people who know their callings, have been confirmed, can thrive overseas and be effective in cross-cultural ministry. It was voted 2nd Best Missions Book in 2014 by Catalyst Services. Mission Smart addresses serious gaps in the mission mobilization process and offers fresh solutions for seeing less missionary attrition. Learn more at…

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5) Discipleship Plans in Swahili and Filipino

Know anyone who could benefit from discipleship plans in Swahili and Filipino? Find two new customized plans on YouVersion’s Bible App.


Everyone has rough edges. It’s common to struggle with unforgiveness, anger, pride, and judging others. A Better Me is a five-day plan from the video devotional series Faith Matters, too! It provides practical insights and questions for reflection.

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6) Maybe You can Phone Home For Free From Anywhere in the World

If your plan includes Wi-Fi calling (many plans do from carriers like Verizon, Sprint, and others), just keep the phone on “Airplane Mode” but enable Wi-Fi calling. Learn more at articles like…

Thanks to Brigada participant, Ed, for reminding us of this tip.

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7) Where Do We Turn for Bibles in Other Languages?

This past week, Milt wrote, asking where to find small New Testaments in Arabic for use on the Syrian/Israeli border. We sent him to

They have a list of scriptures and books by language. You can also specify whether or not you’d like complete Bibles, New Testaments, or single books of the Bible. They also have other books and media in other languages as well. It was the best source we knew of at the time, but… are there other, similar sources?

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8) Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Workshop, Orlando FL

Pioneers is hosting a SYIS Workshop at their offices in Orlando, FL from May 13-18, 2018. The cost is $395 per person (including materials, lunch and dinner). On site housing is available for five nights at a cost of $275 per room. For more details, contact Carol
Find a full description of the SYIS Workshop at

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9) Another Easy Way To Memorize Scripture

If you have a smart phone (or a pencil and a blank card or two), you have a great tool to memorize Scripture. Just use your “slack time” each day (walking, getting dressed, eating, etc.) and learn verses through repetition, not memorization. See

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10) SRS Public Bootcamp 2018 Schedule

Support Raising Solutions would like to to flood the nations with spiritually healthy, vision-driven and fully-funded Great Commission workers. Are you struggling with raising support? They use biblical and relational support raising methods to equip participants and help them reach their ministry assignment quickly. Learn more at…

They have upcoming SRS Bootcamps such as March 26-27 in Asheville, NC; April 25-26 in Rogers, AR; May 21-22 in Brea, CA; June 5-6 in Orlando, FL.

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11) Biblically-Based Online Class Designed For Women

Here is a biblically-based online class designed for women that organizers say can help them transform their marriages by learning how to experience a deeper intimate relationship with their spouses and enjoy the pleasure God intended for marriage.

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12) Updated Harvest Information Systems (HIS) Registries website

The Harvest Information System (HIS) has released an updated website

HIS is a cooperative venture of organizations sharing a desire to facilitate taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the peoples of the world. HIS assists mission sending groups in fulfilling their portion of the task by improving data-sharing through the standardizing of codes and categories.

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13) We’re Grateful for…

…a gift of $50 from a strong believer in Biola’s training in Applied Linguistics. God bless you!
…the gift of $25 from Star Trust, a strong believer in the Olford Expository preaching course at Christian Ministry Academy.
…a $50 gift from a strong believer in the resources at

God bless you!

Want to partner with Brigada so that all may hear in order to hasten the coming of Jesus? Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: Still Reflecting on a Great Jeep Commercial

We’re still reflecting on the Jeep commercial that premiered during the Super Bowl. Immediately afterward, we asked “What’s the Best Version of “God’s Story?” We were looking for a video ad for Christianity as effective as Jeep’s ad. If you haven’t checked back lately, we’re beginning to accumulate some fairly good options. (See the “Last Bit,” Item 14, in the Feb. 4th edition, at…

We didn’t set many limits or criteria. We only asked that it be short and impactful for a non-Christian. One of the most recent responses was by Brigada participant, Tom, who pointed us to “The Story,” at…

It’s available in 21 languages (including English) and 20 more are in production. It stretches our definition of short (being just under 6 minutes), but we have to admit — it’s really good. Do you think someone will sit still for 6 minutes?

Got any other nominations? If so, please add your nomination directly at the Feb. 4th item above by clicking “Comment” after that item.

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15) Subscription Information

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We can’t screen ’em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information! The web is constantly changing. We’ll do our best to scout it out in advance, but if the sea changes after we visit a site to check it out, please forgive.

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