Brigada Today 2018/02/11
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Honor-shame Series for the Global Missions Community
Jump to…2) Could the “PATH” Assessment Help YOUR Team Tackle YOUR Mandate?
Jump to…3) Will Cape Town really run out of water?
Jump to…4) Hats Off to Google for Attacking Those Annoying Blinking Ads
Jump to…5) What Are Your Fave Sites for Training New Missionaries?
Jump to…6) We Asked for the Best Gospel Presentations: You Answered
Jump to…7) Maps of All Unchurched Areas Remaining in Japan
Jump to…8) The Guys at JoshuaProject Kill Me
Jump to…9) Jesus Film on Your Phone
Jump to…10) Before You Go Overseas, Memorize Scripture
Jump to…11) Need a New App for Your Church or Org?
Jump to…12) Are you a Missionary? Regroup at a Chateau in France for Free
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: If You Had a Chance to Defect, Would You?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Honor-shame Series for the Global Missions Community

Learn to better contextualize the gospel in a way that is biblically faithful and culturally relevant-through the webinar curriculum, “Journey of Discovery in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel.” Join Werner Mischke in a convenient, low-cost, web-based missional learning journey. The first unit — six weekly 75-minute webinar classes — begins on April 5th. The primary text will Mischke’s 2015 book about honor-shame, The Global Gospel. Learn more at…

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2) Could the “PATH” Assessment Help YOUR Team Tackle YOUR Mandate?

The Periodic Assessment of Team Health (PATH) is a unique assessment built around seven descriptors of a healthy team: Team Commitment, Diversity, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Leadership, Decision Making, and Trust and Openness. PATH outcomes will help you understand strengths and challenges of your team, as well as provide suggestions for improving the effectiveness of their relationships and work. This assessment tool is like having a health checkup, which is needed periodically. PATH is available in both English and Spanish. Learn more at…

Just scroll down the page under “Services.”

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3) Will Cape Town really run out of water?

It just seems impossible, doesn’t it.

How could any modern city run completely dry? One article in the Atlantic blamed “austerity-obsessed technocrats, irresponsible development, and willful ignorance.” Regardless, all those who attended the Lausanne in Cape Town will remember the tremendous hospitality and modern facilities. It seems impossible that, just 8 years later, such a meeting would be virtually impossible. (Is ANYONE going to plan a convention in Cape Town for, say, mid-June?) But speaking of visitors and conventions is missing the point. What about the people who live there? And if water goes, what will happen to sanitation? Will you join me today in praying for just what might be one of the most major development crises of our modern day? Let’s see if a world full of prayer-partners can somehow change the course of urban planning — or lack thereof. (And thanks to Justin for originally tipping us off to this in an email last week.)

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4) Hats Off to Google for Attacking Those Annoying Blinking Ads

Say whatever you want, but we’ve got to hand it to Google this week for their decision to attack those annoying blinking ads on the web. Some 30 days from February 15, we have a hunch that a lot of people are going to want to switch to Chrome. : ) They will also be filtering other annoying ad behavior too. Learn more at…

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5) What Are Your Fave Sites for Training New Missionaries?

Brigada participant, Karissa, wrote this past week to ask where one should turn to learn more about the practical side of becoming a missionary. Answers to her question could range from the “daily life” questions all the way to how to learn a foreign language and how to avoid cross-cultural misunderstandings. In fact, she could also need to know the ultra-practical side of just … how to live life in rustic environments. Obviously, it’s a very broad topic — but where would you send her for starters? Would you ask her to begin by visiting a site like

Are there other sites like this? … or will she have to go in person to an onsite training experience hosted by someone like


Where would you send her? (Please click “Comment” under the web or app version of this item. Thanks!)

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6) We Asked for the Best Gospel Presentations: You Answered

We recently pointed to a jeep commercial and observed, “Wow — anybody who watches that commercial is going to have a higher regard for that vehicle.” (See the original item at:

You answered! We loved the 90-second presentation to which Robby sent us at…

There were other great answers there too. If you know of still others, would you please add to the list? Let’s make a best of the best list there. Super-brief (two minutes or less?) presentations that increase the listener’s regard for Jesus and his Good News. Thanks for your help.

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7) Maps of All Unchurched Areas Remaining in Japan

What if someone asked you to guess what is the world’s Second Largest Unreached People Group. Would you know the answer? Now, through these free map downloads, you will. Here are maps showing all the remaining cities/towns/villages in Japan that still lack their first church — all 1800 of them. Learn about each prefecture, region, and the whole country at Rural Japan Church Planting Network’s website

Feel free to download them to pray or to increase awareness of the need. The maps are bilingual, in English and Japanese. An excel database with additional information can be downloaded there too. Questions? You can also write

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8) The Guys at JoshuaProject Kill Me

I just don’t get it. They keep coming up with the greatest resources in the world and they never ask for a dime for any of them. Take for example, the great little resource at…

This one little 11-page PDF is stacked FULL of mobilization ideas, websites, news sites, training sites, opportunity sites, and more. It has ideas for skits, videos, and even books. And what do these guys do? They give it away. If you’re supporting the work of, hats off to you. Thank you for empowering a great org to do great work. (Confess: While writing this item, we went and made a donation to their work. Can you imagine if JoshuaProject suddenly vanished??? Gasp.)

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9) Jesus Film on Your Phone

The Jesus Film Project app is a full digital library of more than 200 full-length movies, miniseries, and short films produced to help the world know Jesus better. Everything on the app is free to watch, download, and share with anyone you meet, wherever you meet them. Grab this free tool wherever you download apps for your device. For example, if you have iPhone, see…

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10) Before You Go Overseas, Memorize Scripture

What’s one of the most powerful steps you could take before heading out cross-culturally? How ’bout learning the Book of Books? If you’re trying to memorize scripture, try something like…

Remember Me lets you play games, make flash cards, and then review what you’ve learned.

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11) Need a New App for Your Church or Org?


You’ll be in good company: Northpoint Community, The Village Church, Bethel, Fresh Life, and Saddleback have all used this tool for their church either now or in the past. Go see what YOU can build.

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12) Are you a Missionary? Regroup at a Chateau in France for Free

The Château is a ministry of Grace Brethren International Missions, a retreat center used by evangelical churches and individuals from all over Europe. Located in the small village of Saint Albain, the Château provides a relaxing setting for church retreats, training seminars, youth events, or just a chance to get away for a quiet weekend. The entire stay is FREE, whether you stay a day or a month.

(Thanks a ton, Jenny!)

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13) We’re Grateful for…

…the guys at Mission1, who gave $100 to help send this edition of Brigada on its way to thousands of computers all around the world today. Learn more about Mission1 at…

…our good friends at ISA for sending a gift of $26.70 because “TIME Ministries traveled and purchased trip insurance through them.” Thanks Dawn – and thanks to ISA. Learn more about their unique “DayTripper” insurance (and other available policies) at…

Want to partner with Brigada so that all may hear in order to hasten the coming of Jesus? Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: If You Had a Chance to Defect, Would You?

The whole subject of defecting is of great interest to us. Start with the simple question: If you had a chance to defect from your homeland right now, would you? Why or why not? The answer might tell you something about how satisfied you are with your state of being. Curious about how a North Korean might answer? See, as a backgrounder, the CNN article at…

which documents the degree to which the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (or, the DPRK, as North Korea prefers to be called) is going to prevent defections from the delegation of 500 DPRK athletes, officials, performers, and cheerleaders. So what IS it that has compelled some 31,000 North Koreans to defect over the past 60 years? There must be some reason. And that raises a parallel question: If you could defect from faith, would you? If you’ve chosen NOT to defect, why or why not? What keeps you in the heart of faith?

If you can find the answer to that question, you might have discovered something to which you can hold for a lifetime.

Please click “Comment” after the web or app version of this item. And thanks in advance for sharing.

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We can’t screen ’em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information! The web is constantly changing. We’ll do our best to scout it out in advance, but if the sea changes after we visit a site to check it out, please forgive.

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