Brigada Today 2018/01/21
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) Vision Laos: The Conference (If you Pray, Don’t Miss it)
Jump to…2) Harvest Seekers Helps with Vision Trips, Prayer Journeys, and more
Jump to…3) If You’re Seeking Restoration, Consider Oasis of Peace
Jump to…4) Free Logos Bible Software
Jump to…5) Get Powerful Impact From Your Social Media
Jump to…6) Now’s THE Time to Order from Harvest Prayer Ministries
Jump to…7) How Shall we Pray About Bolivia?
Jump to…8) New “Pray for Korea” App Features Prayer Requests for North Korea
Jump to…9) Thrive Retreat: For Self Care, Connecting with Others, and More
Jump to…10) Praying for the Nations using Scripture
Jump to…11) Mission Trip Academy
Jump to…12) New Book: “Receiving Them Well” Will Help When They Return
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Understanding and Praying for 24:14
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Vision Laos: The Conference (If you Pray, Don’t Miss it)

If you’ve ever wanted your prayers to make a difference… If you’ve ever followed the incredible journey of faith in Laos… (Open Doors ranks Laos as 20th on its list of 100 countries who persecute most for the Christian faith), … If you’ve ever wanted to make a difference in a land emerging from darkness at a pivotal time in human history, then NOW is the time to attend Vision Laos: The Final 58. Scheduled for two days only, Feb. 26-27, in Louisville, KY at the home of Team Expansion and Brigada, Vision Laos will connect you directly with the process of finishing the task of engaging the last remaining 58 (maybe only 55 today?) unengaged, unreached people groups of Laos. (The planners have signed and committed on behalf of Finishing the Task to complete this mandate.) You and your prayers, along with, in some cases, your very PRESENCE — can insure that the Good News of Christ travels to every last remaining beachhead in the entire land. Don’t just sit in on sessions — be a PART of them. Pray. Brainstorm. Help overcome problems and challenges. Dream. Plan. Participate in mapping out a strategy and the action steps to reaching this last frontier. Never been to Laos? No problem. There will be sessions introducing it. Never shared Christ in Asia? No problems. Presenters will share that too. No idea where to begin? No problem there either. You’ll have a chance to bow in prayer side by side with those who have driven motorbikes throughout the entire country. Speakers include Caleb Bislow (Unusual Soldiers, author of the book “Dangerous: Engaging the People and Places No One Else Will”), Doug Lucas (it would be a conflict of interest except he won’t be talking about Brigada; he’ll be talking about finishing the task in Laos), prospective donors, prayer partners, along with several who have worked for years in-country (whom we can’t mention publicly in Brigada), and even featuring Lao believers as well. To register, visit

today. Registration fee is just $35 (which even includes 4 meals; how is that possible?) Find out how YOU can finish the task in this needy land.

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2) Harvest Seekers Helps with Vision Trips, Prayer Journeys, and more

Harvest Seekers International seeks to help you mobilize for prayer and engagement with unreached peoples. Learn more about their work at…

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3) If You’re Seeking Restoration, Consider Oasis of Peace

Oasis of Peace, based in Montrose, Colorado in the USA, offers special care, including restoration and rebuilding, for those returning from cross-cultural work. Learn more about their ministry at…

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4) Free Logos Bible Software

We’re not sure how long this will last, but for right now, Logos Bible Software is giving away “Logos 7 Basic” with no strings attached, and no credit card required. Logos is known by many as THE definitive Bible study software. It’s quite possible that it offers the most thorough collection of translations, study books, and commentaries of any Bible software on the market. It’s available across multiple devices and is quite intuitive, whether you’re viewing on your phone, iPad, website, or laptop app. If you’ve ever wanted to check out Logos Bible Software, now is the time. Get it while it’s free:

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5) Get Powerful Impact From Your Social Media

Your ministry outreach must have a social media plan. This requires a radical rethinking and a new approach of entering into deeper conversations and disciple-making. To get the tools you need, join Mission Media U for its five-week online mentored experience. Sign-up with your team. The course, Foundations of Media Strategy, starts Feb. 15. For course details, instructor bio, and comments from previous students, go to:

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6) Now’s THE Time to Order from Harvest Prayer Ministries

It might seem odd — to suggest that this week is the very BEST time to order from Harvest Prayer Ministries’ online bookstore,

Why odd? Because the store is actually closing during their move, from Jan. 25 until late afternoon, Jan. 31st. But during this physical (location) move, their online bookstore will remain open. And the new physical address at The Meadows Shopping Center is reportedly giving them three times the space for hundreds of dollars less rent per month. (What’s more, by ordering during this time, we all can help boost them through the expenses of their move! : ) ) Either way, until January 31st, you can still use the special code that they sent us (AchingBack) to get 25% off most books and resources. So — order up! And good luck to our friends, David, Kim, JoLyn and others at Harvest Prayer Ministries and PrayerShop!

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7) How Shall we Pray About Bolivia?

If you’ve been following the news in Bolivia, you are probably already praying. Take, for example, this story from our friends at Christianity Today:

Here at Brigada, we obviously aren’t in the political activist world. God can work through politics and/or in spite of them. But still… our heart goes out to the many believers and churches in Bolivia who are enduring what is perhaps the biggest test of faith in modern history. We have personally visited their land and seen the richness of their faith. Their pastors, missionaries, and members were and still are very bold and passionate. But for a government to turn around and go back… to make it illegal even to teach one’s own children about faith in Jesus Christ, after having experienced such a profound national level of faith previously… it just seems like something that only Satan could script, honestly. But we know God is still sovereign. We know that in the end, He still reigns. However, if you’re one of those missionaries, pastors, or faithful members in Bolivia, reading Brigada tonight, please know — you are not forgotten. The entire world is praying for you. We just … don’t know how to help other than pray.

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8) New “Pray for Korea” App Features Prayer Requests for North Korea

Would you like to make a difference in North Korea? Not sure how to get started? Perhaps the most powerful thing you can do today is pray. Now, there’s an app to help you do that with greater information. The Pray for Korea Prayer app was developed to give Christians a way to glorify God by praying daily for Korea in accordance with a comprehensive, strategic, and specific plan. “Comprehensive” means that all provinces, major cities, and many sub-units of both North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) and South Korea (Republic of Korea) are included. “Strategic” means that items cover society’s major institutions, e.g. the church, family, workplace, government, schools, prisons, orphanages, etc. “Specific” means that the daily items name an individual or group in the designated area along with a Bible reference, so that God’s Word will be the foundation for daily prayer. Available for iOS devices at…

and Android…

Our friends at Joshua Project apparently has had a part in creating this app. Well done! (Thanks for the tip, Allan!)

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9) Thrive Retreat: For Self Care, Connecting with Others, and More

Thrive is hosting a special get-away at the Westin in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for U.S. and Canadian women who live and work cross-culturally. Organizers promise they will be refreshed, renewed and encouraged April 23 -26, 2018. The value of the retreat experience is approximately $720. However, the only cost to participants is a registration fee of US $125.00 and any travel expenses to and from the Retreat.

The retreat will include many opportunities for self care, fellowship with women working cross-culturally, worship and praise, encouragement through the teaching of the Word (all in English) and connecting with new friends in discussion groups.

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10) Praying for the Nations using Scripture

A great hit at Perspectives classes, praying Scripture is praying “God’s way.” Unlike many resources with demographic data or prayer points, this 24-page full-color booklet (entitled, simply, “Scripture Prayers for the Peoples of the World”) allows you to insert a UPG name into scripted prayers oriented in the Biblical text. Visit

for FREE PDFs in several languages (English, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian). Order printed copies in English with up to 50% off on bulk orders. Declare & pray truth over peoples living in falsehood.

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11) Mission Trip Academy

Learn how to successfully prepare, plan and stay organized for your mission trip. Online course program includes blueprint with simple timeline and robust resources. A must-have for anyone involved in missions.

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12) New Book: “Receiving Them Well” Will Help When They Return

Lisa Ennis and Lori Bryan have put together a new book called, “Receiving Them Well: A Guide On How To Support Your Loved One Returning From Humanitarian Aid Or Missionary Work.” It is designed to offer advice on ways in which you can provide support that will benefit both the returning traveler and the welcoming friends back home.

The authors hope to help “by offering personal stories, useful questions, practical advice and foundational knowledge.”

[Now — it’s the elephant in the middle of the room… this title does sound similar to another book on reentry (published in 2015 and reviewed positively here in Brigada on multiple occasions)…

We aren’t in the book titling business, but we know that sometimes, authors write books with similar titles and both books do well for decades to come. We’ve at least dropped a note to the authors of the new book (Receiving them Well) to make sure they were aware of Melissa’s book, which has been acclaimed as “an essential resource for anyone returning from cross-cultural service.” Perhaps this topic (reentry) is such a critical theme that it deserves BOTH books – so perhaps every church and agency should read BOTH resources to prepare to receive them, and perhaps every traveler should look at BOTH volumes because, in that epoch, there is no more critical theme for life than returning well. Either way, just to clarify, both books seek to offer help for both the cross-cultural traveler AND the parties receiving them in their homeland.]

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13) We’re Grateful…

…for the $15 gift from our friends at Oasis of Peace, a new restoration/member care ministry in Montrose, CO. God bless you!
…for the $25 gift from our friends at Harvest Seekers International. Thank you!!!

Want to partner with Brigada so that all may hear in order to hasten the coming of Jesus? Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: Understanding and Praying for 24:14

We continue to learn more about the goals of 24:14, the subject of the current issue of Mission Frontiers…

Last week (in our item, “14) The Last Bit: What in the World is 2414?”), we expressed concern about the bold goal of finishing the task of “reaching” every unreached people and place by 2025. As we learn more, we now understand that it’s important to understand what we mean by “reach.” By “reaching” every unreached people and place by 2025, the 24:14 coalition hopes “to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025.” So, for example, a team of workers from a near-neighbor people group could start engaging an unreached people or place in 2024. It might take this new team years to launch a movement. But 24:14’s goal is that the work among each group “and in each place” would be, at least, STARTED by 2025.

Now on the one hand, it sounds easier because we aren’t specifying the kind of fruit needed by 2025. But on the other hand, please don’t miss the miracle that this goal would require. Motivating the global church to prioritize this kind of mobilization would be nothing short of a massive, sea change for fellowships near and far, all across the planet. In fact, in many ways, there have been dozens (hundreds?) of campaigns designed to bring about this end in previous years. (Can someone remind us of the book that came out in the late 90’s… “697 plans to Evangelize the World” or something similar?) We asked some of 24:14’s leaders how they thought THIS plan would be different. One (Justin Long) clarified the above goal. Once again, he reminded us of that “reach” means “start kingdom movement engagements.” (Thanks Justin.) Another (Steve Smith) stood firm in his faith that God can do this, in part by relying on the existence of so many movements in process today (hundreds). This, these leaders maintain, is one of the main differentiators from past plans. In those hundreds of previous examples (like AD2000 & Beyond Movement from the 90’s), the presumption was that the West had to be the leader. In 24:14, leadership is coming from a global coalition. Yes, the West is involved, but so are leaders from fast-growing movements from all across the globe. The idea is — if we pray hard and ask God to bind us together all around the planet, wouldn’t it be something if this could really happen by 2025. (Thanks Steve — and Curtis)

What about you? Do you believe in the goals of 24:14? Please give us YOUR opinion by clicking “Comment” following the web version of this item or in the Brigada app for iOS or Android. Thanks in advance for your thought(s).

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