Brigada Today 2017/12/10
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Resource to Help You or Your Staff Return “Home” Well
Jump to…2) ITN’s International Conference on Turkey
Jump to…3) The Nations Course
Jump to…4) Facebook Live Seminars from Global Counseling Network
Jump to…5) Anticipate the Cultural Collision You’re About to Experience
Jump to…6) Workflowy (Organize Your Brain) Releases Windows App
Jump to…7) Disciple-making & Church Multiplication Collectives
Jump to…8) Is Protonmail the New App to Beat for Secure Communication?
Jump to…9) If You’re a Mission Information Worker, Stop Everything And Go Here:
Jump to…10) Have You Been Following 2414?
Jump to…11) Biblical Input For Married Women
Jump to…12) How to Verbally Share the Gospel in 90 Seconds
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: New Brigada App (iOS and Android): Clean & Quick
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Resource to Help You or Your Staff Return “Home” Well


If you’re returning to your homeland after serving cross-culturally, there will likely be SOME kind of reentry adjustment. Consider “Returning Well: Your Guide to Thriving Back “Home” After Serving Cross-Culturally.” It guides cross-cultural workers of faith, step by step, through the process of a debriefing that leads to renewal so that they may truly thrive back “home.” Consider giving one to every re-entering staff person this year – what a great gift! Buy 10 or more and get a bulk discount at

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2) ITN’s International Conference on Turkey


It’s scheduled for February 21-23 in Mesa Arizona and it’s themed, “God’s New Day in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges.” And it’s a fitting title. A new Turkey is emerging and God is at work. Join with others who share a passion to make Jesus known in Turkey. To learn more visit…

Sign up by December 15th if you want a discounted registration fee. See the postcard about the event at…

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3) The Nations Course


Starting in June 2018, the six week Nations Course is designed to equip missionaries for effective ministry, whether new or seasoned field workers. A cross-cultural experience in itself, the course is held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with students from many different cultures around the world. Testimonies and details are provided at:

Space is limited. Sign up today.

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4) Facebook Live Seminars from Global Counseling Network


Staying healthy during the Holiday Season can be a challenge. Global Counseling Network is producing a Facebook Live event series that is geared toward giving the viewer tools on staying emotionally regulated and connected. They’re making available tools to help you or others be “whole” through the Christmas season. Learn more at…

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5) Anticipate the Cultural Collision You’re About to Experience


Before you leave home, take the Culture Test to become more aware of the challenges you’re about to tackle. It’s free and fun at…

It only takes five minutes (25 questions), but through it, you’ll learn about guilt, shame, fear, and more. If you’re a trainer, grab the Group Discussion Guide to help you equip your team for action. (Disclaimer: Note that the privacy policy openly admits that they might send occasional emails about certain products and services. Also, the results, which are emailed, can sometimes take a while to arrive in your inbox.)

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6) Workflowy (Organize Your Brain) Releases Windows App


If you’ve ever longed for a way to organize your thinking about a particular topic or challenge, you might have ended up trying out Workflowy, the popular outliner and mind-mapping software. What you might have MISSED is that they’ve just released apps for most major platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as most personal digital devices (like iOS or Android phones and iPads). So you get offline access to your outlines AND the easy/speed of a custom app. Learn more at…

Grab the Windows app here…

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7) Disciple-making & Church Multiplication Collectives


Collectives are focused learning communities applying best practices to make more & better disciples in the healthiest environments possible. Through them, you can ACTIVATE your vision through individualized coaching, ASSESS your framework to cultivate disciple-making & church multiplication movements by interacting with other members of the Collective, and APPLY principles in designing an action plan to implement in your context. They offer a 10% discount if you register by January 1, 2018. For more information, skype gary.reinecke or visit…

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8) Is Protonmail the New App to Beat for Secure Communication?

They’ve recently released desktop integration, meaning that you don’t have to use their web page any more. Now you can send and receive encrypted Protonmail directly from within Outlook, Thunderbird and Apple email. Maybe in the “old days,” Hushmail might have been the standard. But today, maybe Protonmail should be.

We’d appreciate it if you commented about your experiences so our entire community can hear how you like this relative newcomer to cross-cultural work.

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10) Have You Been Following 2414?


It has already attracted some of (MANY of?) the biggest players in movement dynamics (including those who focus on church planting movements, discovery Bible studies, church multiplication movements, and more). Learn about 2414 by reading …

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11) Biblical Input For Married Women


Join a supportive community of women for a 6-week class to help you discover God’s design for the magic of marriage and everything it offers. Build a stronger relationship with your husband and find more enjoyment in the physical ways you show your love.

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12) How to Verbally Share the Gospel in 90 Seconds


What is the grand picture the Bible presents? What is the core of the gospel? Check out how concisely and wonderfully this Australian evangelist shares the key points of the Bible:

Do you have a favorite concise gospel presentation? If so, just click Comment following the web version of this item. Thanks in advance for sharing.

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13) We’re Grateful for…


…the $200 worth of help from Asbury United Methodist Church, Tulsa, OK. Thanks Jim!
…the $10 gift a long-time friend of Brigada.
…the $50 donation from long-time friends in Dillsburg, PA. Please mail a receipt. Already support Team Expansion friends.
…the $150 from great friends working among Muslims in Southern Europe. We don’t deserve their friendship — but we’re so thankful for it.

These great friends take our annual total to $9810.33, with just $8724.67 to go to reach our annual budget. Could you or your church pitch in $100 or $1000 or $8724.67 toward the rest? If so, please just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: New Brigada App (iOS and Android): Clean & Quick


Finally, after months of development and testing, Brigada has released apps for both iOS and Android. In keeping with its ad-free web page, the Brigada app is clean, quick, and uncluttered. There are no banners, no flashing images, and no ads whatsoever. Headed overseas for a long flight? No problem. Open the app in the gate area just before departure, then catch up on items while you fly, even with your device in airplane mode (once accessed, all items are available offline). The user experience is just smooth and easy. Searching is blindingly fast. And as with everything Brigada, the app is completely free. Download it today from your regular app store. (Note that because the iOS app is literally brand new, you’ll find it more quickly by searching for “Brigada News” rather than simply “Brigada.” The Android app, which has been available for some time now, pops up first when searching simply “Brigada”.) Learn more about the Android app at…

Those with iOS devices can visit…

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15) Subscription Information


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To Submit An Item — We love to feature your news & resources! To find out how, read our submission guidelines and use the web form at:

Disclaimer –
We can’t screen ’em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information! The web is constantly changing. We’ll do our best to scout it out in advance, but if the sea changes after we visit a site to check it out, please forgive.

Please Don’t Subscribe Us To Your List Without Asking –
Sorry, nothing personal, but we’re already deluged.

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Copyright — This issue of _Brigada Today_ is Copyrighted 2017. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available on the Brigada website, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. To copy or reproduce Brigada Today for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted.

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