Brigada Today 2017/10/08
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at


In this issue…
Jump to…1) Bible Society Locations in 144 Countries Around the World
Jump to…2) How to Use New Media to Engage the Unreached
Jump to…3) Here’s Your Chance to Take DMM Training and Get College Credit
Jump to…4) Conference: Moving Beyond Post-Colonial Dependency
Jump to…5) Pumpkin Spiced TripArmor® Travel
Jump to…6) Are You a Magazine Junkie? Try the Texture App
Jump to…7) “The Perfect Donor Management System Doesn’t Exist”
Jump to…8) Anyone tried Lucent Institute?
Jump to…9) Radiant Life Retreat Will Help You Process Your Years
Jump to…10) Living Well Cambodia
Jump to…11) Interested in Submitting an Item to Brigada?
Jump to…12) Could This Personality Test Take the Place of the MMPI2?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Yes, Halloween Really Is Weird
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Bible Society Locations in 144 Countries Around the World


This website lists the Bible Society Locations in around 144 countries of the world, plus many of the websites and Facebook sites of many Bible Society Locations. Often it is more cost efficient to buy Bibles and New Testaments in these different countries rather than to mail them from the USA. To find out more, please visit

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2) How to Use New Media to Engage the Unreached

Mission Media U (MMU) is an online learning platform designed to train Christians to be more effective in making disciples and establishing churches. Their course, “Foundations of Media Strategy,” is starting November 2 and running through December 7. Each week in the 5-week course requires 3 hours of work per week including a one-hour live instruction session. For more information, go to

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3) Here’s Your Chance to Take DMM Training and Get College Credit


If you’ve been looking for a chance to take training for launching a disciple-making movement AND you were hoping for college credit at the same time, you’re in luck. Register today for the Feb. 17-22 training at Johnson University in Knoxville, TN. Learn from practitioners who are implementing on a weekly basis. The lead trainer has been responsible for training many of the folks behind movements that you hear about in books, press releases, and promotional materials about disciple-making movements. Learn more at…

The registration fee of $260 (just $60 for JU students) covers the cost of food, housing, and course fees.

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4) Conference: Moving Beyond Post-Colonial Dependency


Now you can help develop sustainability through vulnerability,
8th to 11th November 2017, conference to be held at Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, Pittsburgh, PA ( Vulnerable mission aims to encourage cross-cultural workers to follow the humble example of Jesus, who demonstrated His vulnerability in part by living like the Jews of His time and place. For more information and to register:

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5) Pumpkin Spiced TripArmor® Travel

Wishing you had a Protection Plan for Fall Mission Trips Going on a mission trip this fall? The goal is Make sure to get the pumpkin spiced* TripArmor® plan! Available exclusively at:

*We checked and the TripArmor® plan does not actually include pumpkin spice, but it does include: medical coverage, medical evacuation, non-medical evacuation, travel delay, missed connection, baggage, and trip interruption coverage! All of this for just $30 per person, regardless of age, for trips of up to 30 days! Not bad!

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6) Are You a Magazine Junkie? Try the Texture App


If you read magazines and have a digital device, boy do we have an app for you to try. Just click to…

to learn more. For $7 bucks/month, you’ll get unlimited reading/access to 200+ magazines in digital format. You’ll have them on your device all the time, whether you’re waiting for a bus or cooking supper. Here’s your chance to get National Geographic, Time Magazine, Good Housekeeping, HGTV, and a ton more. Seems like a terrific deal. Check it out at the link above. (Thanks Wade!)

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7) “The Perfect Donor Management System Doesn’t Exist”


That’s the conclusion of one key missions staff person after having analyzed tons more than his weight in gold. Do you agree or disagree? If you think there are still some good options, just start a search for “best donor system.” In the meantime, please let us know your results by clicking the comment box that follows the web version of this item.

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8) Anyone tried Lucent Institute?


This past week, a Brigada participant wrote, asking if we knew anything about Lucent Institute….

She was considering helping a family member attend but she didn’t want to do so if it wasn’t a legitimate option. The prices seemed reasonable and the programs sounded good. Anyone tried it?

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9) Radiant Life Retreat Will Help You Process Your Years


Radiant Life Retreat is a 9-day debrief and wellness experience for individuals, couples, or families offered multiple times a year. Specifically designed for those who have lived cross culturally for a year or more, it is a time of focused reflection and connection with the Father, taking time to hear His perspective on the past and His guidance for the future. The next one will be: December 5-13, 2017. Dates for 2018 are set for February 20 – March 1May 1 – May 10August 7- August 16, September 25 – October 4. Learn more at…

We recognize some names in the mix of the leaders (like Michael Pollock). It would likely be a great option. (Thanks Jenny!)

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10) Living Well Cambodia


Living Well Cambodia is a Christian inter-agency non-profit cooperative that provides training, consultation, assessment, counselling, and opportunities for renewal for all expatriates living and working in Cambodia. The team consists of a variety of experienced and trained caring professionals. Their aim is to provide holistic support and education to allow for those serving in Cambodia to thrive. They desire to provide resources and support to organizations and individuals/couples/families to help them thrive in their time in Cambodia. For more information on staff and resources, visit…

We recognize some of the staff at this center too. One has actually helped us provide debriefing and care at some events we’ve staged.

(Thanks for this tip too, Jenny!)

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11) Interested in Submitting an Item to Brigada?

You can. Please just go directly to…

Unfortunately, we aren’t set up to receive items via telephone. Thanks for understanding.

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12) Could This Personality Test Take the Place of the MMPI2?


Would you like to try the well-known 16PF Personality Profile absolutely free of charge? Just visit…

To check it out. You don’t have to register. There’s nothing to buy. Just pure knowledge and experience. Once again, it’s important to point out that, at least in the USA, we aren’t allowed to give these tests as a screening tool. They CAN be used to help us look for a good job fit for the applicant though.

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13) We’re Grateful for…


…the gift of $50 from the developer of . First, you’re a hero because you care about getting the Word out to the nations. Second, you’re a hero because you care about Brigada. God bless you!

…another gift of $50 from Equipping Servants International, known throughout the world for their well-known training called, “ConnectTEFL online TESL course. Thanks ESI!!!

Would you like to empower Brigada too? Do you think your church would consider sending a one-time gift to multiply the capacity of each of the thousands of churches, organizations, and individuals who receive Brigada? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: Yes, Halloween Really Is Weird


Remember that item about Halloween?

This past week, a Brigada participant wrote to say, “Is this for real? Do we really spend that much on outfits and that little on overseas missions?” As a matter of fact, we had two really great inputs on this item, one from Justin Long (Beyond) and another from Dan Scribner (Joshua Project). Both are outstanding data specialists and both are extremely exacting in their expectations. Dan referred us to a post at the National Retail Federation…

This particular post estimated we would spend upwards of $3.4 billion on costumes in general — and that 16% of us will buy costumes for pets. Dan’s summary: “Weep indeed.” Justin pointed us to …

In this case, the estimate is that we spend some $53 billion on foreign missions, with an estimated 0.1% on the unevangelized world. So that would come out to $53 million. However, he added that no one really knows this figure for sure. But using the best data available, he indeed granted that the $350 million we spend on Halloween costumes for pets is 6x higher. He also added, “Even if we spend 1% of foreign mission money (530 million) on World A (I rather doubt that), Halloween costumes would be nearly 50% the same amount.” Dan said it well: “Weep indeed.”

It’s not that we’re saying pets should go without holidays. It’s that we’re saying, *if* we are going to go ape over our canines, let’s get real about our priorities to connect people with the creator.

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15) Subscription Information


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