Brigada Today 2017/08/13
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) Pray and Learn About Muslims’ Trip to Mecca in this 5-Minute Video
Jump to…2) Praying John Over Your City or People Group
Jump to…3) Teach Your Family Member or Home Schooler to Draw God’s Creation
Jump to…4) For Your Next Print Job, Try ClubFlyers
Jump to…5) News from EdenRidge
Jump to…6) Hindu World Prayer Initiative Set for Oct. 8-22
Jump to…7) Finally — a Stewardship Class Designed for Low Income Adults
Jump to…8) 30 days of 24/7 Worship and Prayer in Athens, Greece
Jump to…9) “Full Sail” Conference for Support Raising Leaders and Coaches
Jump to…10) Help Your Overseas Worker Reenter Effectively
Jump to…11) Christian Non-profit Organizational Development
Jump to…12) At Last, Counseling that Comes to You Wherever You are in the World
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) What if This TedTalk Could Revolutionize Your Mission Work?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Pray and Learn About Muslims’ Trip to Mecca in this 5-Minute Video

Have you ever wondered what Muslims *do* on their pilgrimage (or “Hajj”) to Mecca? It’s happening this year, Aug. 30 – Sept. 1. Have you wished you knew how to pray for them? Your wish is granted. This year, be ready to pray, intercede and advocate for Muslims worldwide. This 5-minute video…

explains the Hajj in brief but significant detail. The folks at “Pray for the Arabian Peninsula” ( would love to fill you in and challenge you to pray for Muslims during this very-important time of the year for them.

This year, make a difference in their lives. Pray for those on Hajj. Learn more at …

(Thanks Steve!)

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2) Praying John Over Your City or People Group

Praying Scripture brings measurable impact. Starting in Ojai, California a tiny city with a huge megaphone to the world’s ear, people are now praying Scripture over other cities. For a 5-day a week email of a short passage from John, turned into prayer, sign up at

and click “I’m in!” at the top. Greater things are yet to come for your city or people group.

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3) Teach Your Family Member or Home Schooler to Draw God’s Creation

Fascinating stuff. I was one of those who would have said, “I just can’t draw.” But what a difference an ounce of training makes. Yes folks, you, too, can illustrate the magic of God’s creation. Check it out at…

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4) For Your Next Print Job, Try ClubFlyers

Have you been looking for the most affordable solution for brochures, newsletter, and print magazines? On your next job, check out the pricing at…

Maybe THIS is the secret to poverty elimination in your church or group. : )

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5) News from EdenRidge

The hospitable folks at EdenRidege have recently opened Kindness Cabin, which is ideally sized for parties of up to six guests. The Kindness Cabin features a large deck, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a full kitchen. Missionaries qualify for an 80% discount. EdenRidge is a missionary-focused retreat and vacation destination located on the Cumberland Plateau in East Tennessee. For details and reservations visit

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6) Hindu World Prayer Initiative Set for Oct. 8-22

It’s not too late to get involved in the 15-day Prayer initiative for the Hindu World. Learn more, see a video, and order materials at…

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7) Finally — a Stewardship Class Designed for Low Income Adults

You’ve heard of The Chalmers Center Before. (They were the ones who brought you “When Helping Hurts.”) Now, they’ve come up with a special training course uniting people from varied financial backgrounds and exploring together money management skills and biblical stewardship principles. It’s called “Faith & Finances,” and it addresses the challenges the materially poor face and helps them rediscover their God-given dignity. Granted, you have to be rich enough to pay the $450 for facilitator training, but once you’ve done that, you’ll be prepared to create a concrete financial education ministry plan tailored to your community that trains low-income people in concrete money management skills, such as budgeting, managing debt, and setting savings goals. Start your training at…

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8) 30 days of 24/7 Worship and Prayer in Athens, Greece

From November 1-30, 2017, 200 worshipers and intercessors will gather in Athens with those from Greece to seek the Lord’s presence. The objective is to establish a House of Prayer 24/7 in the Spirit of the Tabernacle of David. Obviously, if you can’t stay for the entire month, feel free to participate for any length of time. A landing page and MOU are available at

or contact Norm at for more info.

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9) “Full Sail” Conference for Support Raising Leaders and Coaches

At the Mission Inn in Orlando Florida, you can put fresh wind in the sails of your directors, support raising trainers and coaches. During February 6-9, 2018, Experience three days of action packed training in a beautiful setting covering the four essential pillars in a healthy support raising culture. Register today!

You can also pick up support-raising boot camp trainings like September 11-12in Rogers, AR; October 26-27 in Waynesville, NC; November 13-14 in Brea, CA.

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10) Help Your Overseas Worker Reenter Effectively

From October 15 to 20, TRAIN International is offering their ABIDE re-entry debriefing for global workers. ABIDE provides 5 days for participants to process their cross-cultural experiences in both group and individual debriefing. Whole families are welcome as TRAIN offers both adult and TCK programs for all ages. Get equipped to navigate re-entry and to move forward in renewal toward the next season of ministry. Visit their website to learn more or by watching a participant’s testimonial at:

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11) Christian Non-profit Organizational Development

Is anyone helping Christian non-profit organizations improve from an operational, managerial and executive perspective and there by help them improve their effectiveness and efficiency as organizations? If you are involved in this type of ministry, either by providing organizational evaluations or training, please click “Comment” following the web version of this item and provide your website or a means of contact so inquiring Brigada readers know where to turn. Thanks!

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12) At Last, Counseling that Comes to You Wherever You are in the World

You’ve waited long enough. Now, you can get high-quality counseling online? I know. Brilliant, right? Wherever you are in the world, if you have internet, now you can get healing for whatever struggle you might be facing. Check it out at…

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13) We’re Grateful for…

… the folks at Visual Story for sending $100 to help push Brigada out to thousands of mobilizers and change agents throughout the globe. Thank you! We appreciate you!
… the gift of $20 from our friends at Elijah Company. May God bless you!
… the gift of $40 from Reignbridge in Camarillo, CA. Thank you!

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) What if This TedTalk Could Revolutionize Your Mission Work?

What if cross-cultural training is only half the battle? What if language acquisition, important though it may be, isn’t as strong of a predictor of who survives? What if becoming resilient has less to do with talent, resources, and placement? There is no doubt that biblical knowledge matters. No doubt in the world. But we’ve all known really smart missionaries with lots of Bible training who for some reason, just didn’t survive in the mission field. So what DOES cause someone to follow through? What powers a person to be resilient when all outward signs point to failure? This researcher calls it “grit” and you’ll be fascinated by her research in it.

What if we could figure out how to measure grit? Maybe we don’t know how to train it into someone — but what if we could at least spot it where it exists? It will take you 6 minutes to watch the video. But it might change your organization or church for years to come. (Thanks Jenny!)

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