Brigada Today 2017/07/02
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Slovak and Czech Christian Resources Directory
Jump to…2) How to Find the Bible in Over 1500 Languages.
Jump to…3) Catch This Free Webinar on Forgiveness
Jump to…4) Native American Resources
Jump to…5) Pick up a Free eBook, “The Call of the Knowledge Steward”
Jump to…6) POLAND Ajmera Haven Retreat 2017
Jump to…7) Scripture Prayers for Unreached Peoples (Eng., Russian, Ukrainian)
Jump to…8) Hear How Churches and Individuals are Shifting Resources
Jump to…9) Simply Mobilizing and Kairos USA are Offering a New Course
Jump to…10) Take Home a Free eBook, “Self-Care Plan for Global Workers”
Jump to…11) Hats off to the Folks at
Jump to…12) Still Amazed by Clipmate
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Have You Checked out Google’s Products Lately?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff


1) Slovak and Czech Christian Resources Directory

Now there’s a Slovak and Czech Christian Resources Directory at

You’ll find information on Apologetics, correspondence courses, Christian books, creation ministries, evangelism training, Bibles, New Testaments, Tracts, Audio and more.

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2) How to Find the Bible in Over 1500 Languages.

If there is a Refugee, International student or a immigrant in your life, and you would like to help them find the Bible. Check out

You can search by country or language — and find 1500 language resources. Seriously. A woman teaches a Bible study to a group of Kareni women, before they read it in English she goes to ScriptureEarth and plays it in their language. It really helps them understand what they are learning in English and the Scriptures.

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3) Catch This Free Webinar on Forgiveness

Originally, Serge resources were mainly for Serge workers — but now they’ve opened many of them up to the public and made them free. Check out this webinar, coming up on July 13th.

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4) Native American Resources

Here is a very cool data-driven map that shows territories, languages, etc., with links to native American tribal sites, and more: 
(Thanks for the tip, Charles!)

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5) Pick up a Free eBook, “The Call of the Knowledge Steward”

Global Mapping is officially closed — but for a limited time (for as long as a year?), catch this Jon Hirst book in PDF or eBook format. It’s like GMI’s last gift back to you! Thanks Jon. And thanks to everyone at GMI. While you’re at it, check out their legacy website, which, like we said, they hope to keep active for a year:

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6) POLAND Ajmera Haven Retreat 2017

Azmera’s mission is to Impact Women Who are Impacting the World. If you are an English speaking, Kingdom-minded women (worker or expat) from any nation, serving overseas, Azmera would like to invite you to a nurturing, restful, transformational haven retreat in Krakow, Poland, Oct 21 – 24. The cool thing is that they help make it affordable for workers by raising Haven Scholarships. Check out Azmera and register at

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7) Scripture Prayers for Unreached Peoples (Eng., Russian, Ukrainian)

Praying Scripture is praying God’s way. Unlike many prayer resources with demographic data or prayer points, this 24-page full-color booklet allows you to insert a people group’s name into scripted prayers oriented in the Biblical text. Visit

for FREE downloadable PDFs in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Order printed copies in English with up to 50% off on bulk orders. Declare and pray God’s truth over peoples living in falsehood.

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8) Hear How Churches and Individuals are Shifting Resources

Jon Hirst, outgoing President and CEO of GMI, has participated in a really cool Christianity Today article about GMI’s closure — and how churches and individuals are redirecting some of their support from service ministries to field destinations. What’s your thought about this shift? Please jot your opinion in “Comment” box immediately following the web version of this item. Thanks! (And thanks to those who made the site possible!)

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9) Simply Mobilizing and Kairos USA are Offering a New Course

Crossing Cultures is a new group training with themes resembling those of Perspectives. It’s a great “toe in the water” prior to committing to Kairos. Learn more at…

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10) Take Home a Free eBook, “Self-Care Plan for Global Workers”

The lead article is by Sarita Hartz about a Missionary’s Story of PTSD and Healing,” but while you’re there, you might as well sign up for the free book about Self Care. Learn more at…

(Thanks Kelly and Michele O’Donnell, of Member Care Associates, for the tip!)

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11) Hats off to the Folks at

We recently asked for help from the folks at the 4K Mapping Team. We were putting together a teaching exhibit for churches and convention delegates to learn more about the unreached. We were, in a word, THRILLED, by the results. They were easy to work with, quick and efficient to deliver, and spot-on with what we needed. What’s more, it’s really obvious that they love the unreached. We’re grateful to the 4K Mapping Team for their commitment to Christ and the Great Commission. God bless you guys! Also, they’ve inherited part of GMI’s legacy of research and information, so be sure to stop at their site after Aug. 15th to see that collection. Learn more at…

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12) Still Amazed by Clipmate

We’ve been using this little utility for a decade. It helps you copy and paste like a Pro AND it’s extremely affordable too (the best $34.95 you’ll ever spend). It essentially gives you an unending clipboard — along with protected folders of clipped items you want to save. Use it also to “clean up” clipped items (e.g., remove unwanted carriage returns or stray formatting characters added by word processors like Word). You can even stitch together multiple clipboard items and a whole lot more. Learn more at…

Highly recommended.

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13) We’re Grateful for…

…a $50 gift from a great anonymous friend of Brigada who wanted to speed along this edition to your screen. Thank you!!!
…a $100 gift from Mission Network. Thanks for your amazing monthly partnership — which undergirds our work of getting resources, motivation, and trends out to thousands of world-changers serving daily all over the planet. God bless you!

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!
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14) The Last Bit: Have You Checked out Google’s Products Lately?

Whoa — they’ve expanded. See the whole line-up at…

Of course, keep in mind that many of these products are trolled for information that will help them advertise more proactively toward you (and those you list in the apps themselves). So maybe be just a *tad* careful if some of your friends work in sensitive places. But the range of offerings is amazing. Just remember that you (the end user) are not really the end-user. The advertisers are the clients whose hearts they want to win. : )

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