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10 Reason to Partner

Why Your Church Should Join with Team Expansion

We each have the same goal: to see God worshiped among every tongue, tribe, and nation.

Did you know that partnering with Team Expansion will not only help accomplish Jesus’ great commission, but will bring extraordinary benefits to your congregation?

See the 10 Reasons We Should Work Together

Meet IS

This month, we pulled back the curtain to introduce our home office staff, International Services.

Meet the Home Office Folks


Prayer & Missions

Betty made the journey to Herrnhut, Germany, for a conference on prayer and missions.

Read an update


Featured Opportunity

Teacher in E. Europe
There’s a school in urgent need of another High School English teacher! They pay a monthly stipend, enough to live on in country. They pay round trip airfare, also.

Please continue to pray, consider, and ask people you know on their behalf. Even if someone could only come for a semester, it would be a big help!

For information, email

Pray With Us

Praise God for the churches who are partnering with Team Expansion to reach the parts of the world who have no access to the Gospel!

Ask God to raise up more churches, workers, and supporters who will engage in the great commission.

Pray for the International Services staff, that they would be faithful and equipped to serve the workers and churches who are engaging the nations with the Good News.


Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

If You Could Stop Time…

What would you do? If you had the power to push a button and bring all the world, except for you, to an abrupt halt, how would you invest those moments?

This plot has been explored in movies and tv shows. To see just one example, watch the clip below. But what if it happened to you? What differences would you make in your life? In your community? In the world?

In the Twilight Zone episode, “A Kind of Stopwatch,” the main character decided he would use his new-found time to steal from a bank vault. I tend to think along different lines here at Emerald Hills.

You see, there’s always something to do. Whether it’s volunteering outdoors around the 61-acre campus (help pressure-wash a picnic table, then later, stain it), or helping cook for a crew of visiting missionary recruits in training, or caring for a crop of young missionary kids (or “third-culture kids” as they call them now), the story is the same – we always have more to do than we have available hands.

So, if you ever figure out how to “stop time” in your world to make time to volunteer for the sake of the Great Commission, we promise, it will end better than the Twilight Zone story.

To learn more, just go to then click on the “Volunteer Application” button. Thanks in advance for your help!

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: June 2017

“A Kind of Stopwatch” 2-minute video recap, Twilight Zone
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Multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached