Thank you for your prayers and support to the mission. The financial report for 2016 is available upon request to sacm(at)

It happened last year.

New Years is the traditional time to take a look back and see where people have come from an evaluate how things have changed. 2016 in South Africa for the Mission has had many challenges and changes, too. In March, I suffered a stroke, which many feared would set the work back but through God’s Grace and many heartfelt prayers, I’ve been able to continue,perhaps not at the same pace or doing the same things. The Gospel 101 evangelism team, comprised of four young African men stepped into the gap and have performed excellently — so much so that they have been invited to two neighboring countries (Namibia and Zambia) or encourage other young men and women to follow their example. They have taken part of the workload from me and are planning to do even more!

This has been the objective of the South African Christian Mission and the teaching arm, the Cape Bible Seminary — to replace us and put the work solidly in the hands of the local Africans. The 101 Team has be taught, trained and equipped to serve Christ whenever they are called. They finance themselves without any outside help –all have full time jobs and still accomplish so much with what they have. Last year, the Team conducted tow workshops outside of Cape Town and the response by the local communities was overwhelming. Churches and groups are calling them for more.

Financially, the Mission has had set backs. The American economy has stressed many churches, which had had to cut back their programs and this has affected us. Equally, there have been examples of generosity and unexpected help, too, which has filled some of the gaps. So far, by God’s Grace, we have been able to continue and reach the lost.

In 2017, there are more challenges ahead. I intend to hand over more work and shepherd workers to continue the work of seeking and saving the lost for Christ. Just as each one of you are doing where you are.

We praise God for His mercies and Christians who continue to pray and support the Mission.

God’s blessings,

Steve Zimmerman
SACM Cape Town

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