December 2016 News

Trained Evangelists Conducting Workshops

Dear South African Christan Mission Prayer Partners/Supporters,

Gospel 101 is a team of four young African men being trained as evangelists. As a result they continue to take the Good News into areas they are assisting churches to reach out to the lost. Encouraging and motivating churches through workshops is the goal of the Gospel 101 team. They seek to empower others in practical ministries.


This year, there were several workshop, which they planned and organized. One was in Graaf-Reinet, a rural town about 500 miles from Cape Town. The Gospel 101 team invited local congregations and school teachers to the workshop. As a result the workshop was well attended.  Bro Roger Dickson, a Christian writer and co-worker, and myself taught the classes. The workshop ended on Saturday night. The next morning a pastors brought his entire congregation to worship with the believers!


The Gospel 1010 conducted workshops near the Indian Ocean in a town called Hermanus. This town is about one hour from Cape Town. This, too, generated a lot of interest and enthusiasm for the gospel’s outreach.

Looking Forward to 2017

Their plans for 2017 are ambitious and are eager to continue their work.

Steve Zimmerman

Picture: Gospel 101 meets with the mission team from the Coldwater and Battle Creek churches.

NOTE: We have a series of new posts which will be available over the next few weeks on our website & Facebook page. Our website is  

Every supporting church will have been mailed a newsletter. If for some reason your church doesn’t receive it or you would simple want one we can email the 8.5×11 formatted PDF to you. 

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