Happy New Year from the Shady Family and French Christian Mission!
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord
establishes his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

Happy New Year! 

The countdown is on! This time next year our family will be touching down in France to begin our language training and future church planting ministry. That is so exciting! Our journey to France has been a marathon, not a sprint. Glen and I began talking about a potential future in missions while we were dating back in college. At the time we had absolutely no idea what that would look like, but over the past 9 years God has led us in shaping our passions and desires towards serving him in France.

We have had the chance to meet with a few of you over the past couple of months to share our vision and passion for France and French Christian Mission, and we look forward over the next year to meet with even more to invite you to partner with us.

Even though a year still seems like a long time, we know it will pass by far too quickly. So we pray that God will continue to guide our family, bless us with wisdom, and offer opportunities for us to grow and prepare for our transition and future ministry. We are also lifting up the country of France in our prayers, for the people who have not yet heard the Gospel and for those that are laboring daily to share it.

Vacation Bible School

Yes, we’re talking about VBS in December and January! It will be here before we know it. We are excited to announce that the Western Hills Church of Christ has invited us to be their missionaries for their week of VBS in June. We are excited to share with the kids about life and ministry in France!

If your church has a Vacation Bible School and invites a missionary to attend, please consider having our family and French Christian Mission as your missionary for the week. We would love to meet your church family and share with you about the tremendous need and the wonderful work of God in France and Western Europe.

Tax Exempt Status 

We received notification in December that French Christian Mission’s tax exempt application has been approved by the IRS. It has been a ten month process from submitting the paperwork for incorporation through applying for the tax exemption status, and we are pleased to be through.

With the tax exempt notification, all donations past and future are tax-deductible.


Glen and Jessica Shady 

Interested in learning more about us? Please visit us at www.frenchchristianmission.org or visit our Facebook page! 
Bonjour from the Shady family! We are hoping to serve as church planters in France beginning in January 2017. We are currently support raising and would love the opportunity to meet with you to share our vision and plans! 

We celebrated our 8th anniversary!

Our oldest daughter, Elizabeth, turned 6 in December.

Glen’s internship at Western Hills Church of Christ ended well. We are so thankful for WHCC and their love and support. 

Prayer Requests

In all things, wisdom! There are so many intricate details to consider and we want to make wise decisions for our family.

Glen’s last semester for his master’s degree starts in January (graduates in May).

French Lesson

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”
Luke 2:10

Mais l’ange leur dit: Ne craignez point; car je vous annonce une bonne nouvelle, qui sera pour tout le peuple le sujet d’une grande joie.
Luc 2:10 

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