Bonjour from The Shady Family and

French Christian Mission!

Glen and Jessica Shady

Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël!

As we write this newsletter, we are moving to France in four days. That means that after countless hours spent in prayer, the support of our family and friends, and most importantly the grace of God, we are able to begin our ministry in France. Our passion for church planting in France began many years ago, and we are excited that it is finally coming to fruition. We are so grateful for the Lord’s calling and blessing for these plans and the support of so many of you.

What’s Next?  

We are flying from Chicago on December 27 and arrive in Paris the following day. The days after our arrival will be spent getting situated in our new apartment, acquainting ourselves with our new home of Massy, and celebrating Elizabeth’s 7th birthday. Thankfully our new apartment is furnished and even comes with basic kitchen needs. This means that our focus for those days can be on finalizing the girls’ registration at the local school, getting cell phones, setting up internet, doing grocery shopping, and I’m sure more. Our language school courses and the girls’ school both begin on January 3, so that week will be a whirlwind of excitement, anticipation, adjustments, and changes.

For the next year, we will be studying the French language, becoming familiar with the French culture, and bridging a vital relationship with our ‘Connect Phase’ church where we will begin our ministry the second year. We view this first year as being vital to our future success in France, so please keep us in your prayers as we tackle the language and culture, and work on getting comfortable in our new home.

Most importantly during this time as we approach Christmas and reflect on the birth of our Savior, his death, and resurrection, we are so thankful for a loving and gracious Father in heaven who loved us so deeply and intensely that he sent his Son, Jesus, as a baby to eventually be sacrificed on the cross for our salvation. Thank you, Lord, for the purpose and reason to celebrate Christmas.


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French Christian Mission

1509 Parlor City Dr.

BlufftonIN  46714

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C’est qu’aujourd’hui, dans la ville de David, il vous est né un Sauveur, qui est le Christ, le Seigneur. Et voici à quel signe vous le reconnaîtrez: vous trouverez un enfant emmailloté et couché dans une crèche. Et soudain il se joignit à l’ange une multitude de l’armée céleste, louant Dieu et disant: Gloire à Dieu dans les lieux très hauts, Et paix sur la terre parmi les hommes qu’il agrée! ~ Luc 2:11-14

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” ~ Luke 2:11-14


Departure goal of $80,000
75% raised

Monthly support of $5,414
83% raised

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All donations made to French Christian Mission (FCM) are tax-deductible. FCM is a US non-profit religious organization under IRS section 501(c)3 and registered in the state of Indiana. 


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