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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

Mr Mayor, your appointment is here

Feb 04, 2016 12:27 pm

Text only post here today. We crossed a pretty large milestone today in the life of the Church of Descartes. We met with the mayor.
In rural France the mayor pretty much runs the town (maybe not always THE MAYOR, but his people). Today we met with the mayor, Jaques Barbier. It was a fantastic meeting. Here is pretty much how it went:

Our team representatives pray together.

Us (mostly Raphael and Manu): Bonjour Mr. Mayor, may we have 30 minutes for a meeting with you to discuss our future work in Descartes, the history of the Evangelical Church in Loches and how our church can respond to any needs that the town has? 

Mr Le Mayor: Yes, of course. Let’s discuss.

Us: We discuss. We present future plans. Ask proper questions. I get to add I’m an American who has been living here for 13ish months. He compliments me on my French and tells us about his family who have ties to America. He offers any help he can in finding a building.

Mr Le Mayor: He talks more. About his town. His passion for the people. How the people need help but the future is bright for Descartes.

He talks with us for something like an hour. 

We consider this a huge victory. This truly is something to thank God for. 

You can also find that our little pin has been placed on the map of France, another little step that means a lot. 

Go here to explore evangelical churches in France. We’re located in department 37 3 departments southwest of the department marked ‘ZOOM’ (Paris). Our church is the little yellow pin. You’ll need to be on a device that supports flash to view the site.

Thanks again for your prayers, it’s been a very busy week but we see God’s hand all over it. 


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