Church in Acuna provided transportation.

A tiny letter from 
Rio Bravo Christian 
Minsitries with news
from the hearts of the

Hello Friends,
For some years, the Church of Christ in Acuna, Mexico has participated in every event that Rio Bravo Christian Ministries offered. In the early years, Rio Bravo Christian Ministries would transport us in multiple vans.  But in recent years, a lack of proper transportation made it difficult to get the church members from Acuna  to those events.

My primary concern and responsibility as Evangelist at the Iglesia de Cristo, or Church of Christ in Acuna, is  in reference to the transportation of the people was their safety and security.  Sometimes in the past we have had to use a truck to transport people.  This truck was not in good mechanical condition and due to the lack of space, some people had to go on the open rear space of the truck where the possibility of an accident was great.  Sometimes the weather was not the best for thist type of transportation.

My prayers were that God would help us have a vehicle to continue with transporting the church family to every event offered without risk of accident and also need to rent  a  vehicle.

God answered our prayers through brother Bradley Berg.  The Church of Christ in Acuna received as a donation a vehicle that now accommodates all the people from the Acuna church when there is a need to transport.  We use it without rental cost and with less risk than the truck we had rented.

Personally I am thankful to Rio Bravo Christian Ministries and especially to Bradley Berg for this donation to our church.  It eliminates my pre-occupation, people can now ride safely, and it saves the church the cost of a rental.

This is just a good example of how Rio Bravo Christian Ministries is filling the needs of the Mexican Churches. 

When you support the work of Rio Bravo Christian Ministries you are also supporting the work of Mexican Evangelists by helping us and providing those things necessary to help us continue spreading the gospel message.

Thanks brother, Bradley Berg, for this donation.

We promise to use it always for the glory of our Lord.


Because of Christ,
Antonio Preciado and the Rio Bravo Christian Ministries Team

Rio Bravo Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 171, 619 2nd St.
Quemado, TX 78877
“Therefore, encourage and build
each other up.”  I Thess. 5:11