• In just a few short days our team will be growing by two more. We have two interns coming named Laura and Morgan. Morgan will be with us for nine weeks, while Laura will be here for fifteen months. We are excited to have them here with us!  Please join us in praying for them as they embark on this new adventure with us.

  • On Sunday, May 22 we are having a baptism celebration!  Please pray for the people at RESTORE who are being baptized that day and pray for those who are still thinking about the decision.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to work on the hearts of people and lead them toward repentance.

  • Please be praying for a young man named Horace. He has a bad home life, and was invited to church by Michael, who attends RESTORE. Horace is in his first relationship, as well, and is struggling with all the temptations that come from life as a young man. He isn’t “all in” but turns to God when he really feels the need. Please pray for him to want to know Jesus more and more each day and to want to obey Him.

NorthPointe Christian Church


  • Please pray for the Repozas whose grandmother recently passed. Pray for peace for their family and specifically pray for their children who are asking good but hard questions about God in light of the pain they are currently experiencing.
  • Please pray for House of Compassion, a home for people who have slipped through the cracks of government aid and still need help. We recently helped them out, but they are in need of significantly more help and financial assistance to continue operating in the future.
  • Please pray for Jessica who will be a summer intern in the kids ministry. Pray that she has a great experience here and is able to learn more about leadership and deepen her own relationship with God. Also pray that her abilities and passions are used to strengthen God’s Kingdom in Rhode Island.
  • Please pray for the block parties NorthPointe will be having this summer. We are challenging NorthPointe to host 25 different block parties. It’s a big task, but we believe NorthPointe will rise to the occasions. Please pray for NorthPointe as we prepare for these events and for people to be bold in accepting this challenge. And please pray that, through these events, our neighbors can come to know Christ.
  • Please celebrate with us Ckarla and Rafi. When Ckarla started coming to NorthPointe, they were separated. But God has been at work in their lives in huge ways. They are back together and God has given them a boldness and passion to share their story. Give thanks to God for their restored marriage.  Pray also for the lives that their story will impact.
  • Please pray for Michelle. She has been coming to NorthPointe for about a month now and has been a little nervous to open up and share more of her story. She’s joined a community group and has stepped out in faith and sharing a little more each time. Pray that these barriers continue to come down and that she may understand even more the depth of Christ’s love for her.

SouthPointe Christian Church


  • Neil has come from a life of addiction and violence but a few years ago, he accepted the grace of Jesus. Over the last 3 years, God has worked in and through Neil in incredible ways. In many ways SouthPointe has become his family; but lately, life has worn Neil down. He is a single dad, working long hours. He has started to withdraw from the people who care so much about him. Pray that Neil will again draw near to God as he renews his spirit and faith.
  • Ziggy came to America from the Caribbean for school. Since graduating he has found a job locally. He has also brought about a dozen different international students from the Caribbean to SouthPointe. Pray that God continues to work through Ziggy to bring more people to SouthPointe and ultimately to Christ.
  • Manny is originally from Liberia. Now he is a barber in Warwick. Like Ziggy, he has brought about a dozen people to SouthPointe. Pray for me (Tanner) as I am good friends with him. Pray for him to continue to grow in his hunger for God and for God to use his influence to impact people for the Gospel.

OceanPointe Christian Church


  • Please join us in continuing to pray for Jada. This warrior shows up every Sunday to serve, even after a stressful week of financial and legal problems as she tries to be reunited with her 7-year-old daughter. Jada is still struggling to make ends meet, and we pray that God will lead her to a job that helps support her family. We are thankful to have Jada as part of the OP family, and we pray for an extra dose of hope in her life right now.

  • Mary has been dealing with health complications for years and was just recently in the hospital with more. Even through her pain and struggling, Mary somehow manages to bring new people to church almost every Sunday! She is just so excited about her church family and wants to share God’s love with everyone around her. Please pray specifically for healing and peace in her life. 
  • We ask that you please join us in praying for Elise, our new resident intern, who will be arriving within the month to join our team! Elise will be assisting with event- and outreach-planning, and we’re so excited to have her join us. Please pray for a safe journey to her new home and for her to quickly find her niche among our community.
  • On Mother’s Day, May 8th, we officially added a third Sunday morning worship service! We pray that God will fill the remaining seats in the theater in His timing and bring more people from our community to hear the truth about His love.


BridgePointe Christian Church


  • Mitchell and Alena got baptized!  This past month we had the privilege of baptizing two of the teens in our student ministry. After considering it for some time, Mitchell and Alena both came to the decision that it was time to put their faith into action and get baptized.
  • Kristin got baptized!  During Kristin’s first week at BridgePointe she heard a message on Jesus healing a blind man in John 9. She realized that the pain in her own life wasn’t caused by an angry God trying to punish her, but by a broken world. After having walked away from her parents’ faith years ago, she was ready to give Jesus another chance. This month she decided to get baptized and commit her life to “becoming a follower, not a fan” of Jesus. Please keep these three in your prayers as they continue to grow in their relationships with Jesus.
  • For the last several weeks and continuing onward we’ve been running a “Rent-a-Teen” program to help 10 of our students raise money for our summer trip to WorkCampNE. People from the church can enlist the help of our teens to take care of projects around the house in exchange for a donation to help them cover the cost of WorkCampNE. So far this program has been a blessing to those who are getting work done and also to the students who are learning the joy of serving others as they prepare for what is sure to be a hugely impactful week. Please pray that as these students are working to go to camp, they learn how to serve others the way that Jesus did and that the week of WorkCampNE itself will be a catalyst for further growth in their lives.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
