JULY 2016








Throughout the summer, we have been throwing Block Parties in different neighborhoods throughout Quincy. This is an incredible opportunity to meet new people and be able to introduce them to RESTORE Christian Church. When we look forward to each Sunday morning, we wonder what faces we’ll see from the previous Block Party. It is incredibly exciting each time we have first-time guests at RESTORE. It’s awesome to watch the church get excited and take action to make each newcomer feel at home when they walk through our doors. We are thankful for all of our volunteers. Pray that we will continue to look for new ways to reach those around us and that we will continue serving and loving Quincy.


Jeff Oakes will become RESTORE’s Lead Minister in August, and we are celebrating this news! Jeff and his family will be concluding an eight-year ministry in Chelmsford, MA, selling their house, and moving to Quincy. Please pray for this transition that they will find a good home and that their move will go smoothly. As RESTORE enters this new season of ministry, please pray that God will allow the church to be fruitful in sharing the grace of Christ with Quincy.


Last month we celebrated three baptisms! Join us in praying for Cathylee, Gordon and Dennis. Pray that they are strengthened and encouraged in their faith as they continue to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ. Pray also that more may come to know Christ through their example. 


Michael and Marisol have been serving with us at RESTORE for several months now. Recently, Michael’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. Marisol is strong in her faith, but Michael is still questioning what that looks like in his own life. Throughout this season Michael has been very discouraged. Join us in praying that he leans into God’s presence and finds hope in this trial.

NorthPointe Christian Church


Shawn and Amber Green (and their two little girls) have been serving as the Lead Minister at NorthPointe since early 2014. Shawn’s mother passed away last week after declining in health for a while. Please pray for Shawn and his family as they deal with this loss.  Please pray for Shawn as he continues to lead NorthPointe into a stronger and deeper relationship with Jesus.


Jamie and Justin Hagan have been filling a variety of roles at NorthPointe since their arrival in 2013.  They have stepped up to serve in various ways. Please pray for Jamie and Justin to be strong and courageous in their service to Jesus, their relationships with the churched and unchurched, and in their service at NorthPointe!


Bart and Emily Shaw concluded their ministry with NorthPointe on July 3. They drove across country and have begun a leadership residency with Christ’s Church of the Valley in Phoenix, Arizona. We appreciate all that Bart and Emily have contributed to NorthPointe! Please pray that Bart’s new residency will be a great learning and growing experience for him and that God will use this to help move Bart closer to who God wants him to be and where God wants him to serve!


NorthPointe has a new staff member! Jacob Vangen will be joining the staff in August after concluding a position in student admissions at Johnson University. Jacob will be serving NorthPointe as an Associate Minister in a number of roles. Please pray for Jacob as he transitions to life at NorthPointe. Pray for safety during his move and that God uses Jacob to make disciples through his ministry at NorthPointe.

SouthPointe Christian Church


Carl recently moved back to Rhode Island and attended SouthPointe on Easter. He got plugged in immediately, but then faced some life and logistic obstacles that have kept him away. Pray that Carl will not slip through the cracks. Pray for him to both know and experience the grace of Jesus in ways he never has before.


Mike was not raised in church and has come from a background of addiction to painkillers. He has a lot of instability in his life: he doesn’t have consistent employment, he has a rocky relationship with the mother of his four-year-old son, and he lives in a very rough area. He is, however, incredibly hungry for the Gospel. Pray for the Gospel to break through each of these areas in Mike’s life.


Emilie is a single twenty-something mother of three. She works hard just to keep her head above water. She came to faith a year-and-a-half ago through the witness of her recently deceased aunt. Then she faced some major life obstacles. Even though we reached out to her, we didn’t see her for months. BUT she just came back!!! Pray for God to give her perseverance and persistence.

OceanPointe Christian Church


We’ve asked you to pray for Mary and her family before.  Her own health is still a struggle, and now her family has been hit with something unimaginable. Mary’s daughter Sarah gave birth to a healthy baby girl last week, but she has been in the hospital on her deathbed ever since. The doctors have determined she has an infection in her uterus, but she’s not stable enough to undergo surgery. Join us in praying that Sarah gains the necessary strength to be operated on and that she can be healed!


Eve and her husband have only been at our church for a couple of months, but they are both volunteers and serve in the church weekly. Eve has been in the hospital for numerous tests lately to explain her unusually high blood pressure and hormone levels. Her doctor has referred her to a specialist who wants to look at her kidneys for answers, but the wait time for an appointment is a couple of weeks. Please be praying that Eve finds answers from her doctors and peace from the Lord as she waits.


Please be in prayer for our first OceanPointe WipeOut this coming Sunday, July 17th. Our church family is meeting in the afternoon to celebrate baptisms at the beach, and we have 22 people confirmed so far! We pray for God to stir even more hearts to take this step toward Him!


BridgePointe Christian Church


Please pray for a married couple within the church who is taking huge steps toward reconciliation. After being separated and heading toward divorce, they are now living under one roof again and seeking Christian counseling. Please pray that the Holy Spirit continues to produce His fruit in their lives and that they surrender together to Jesus and His plan for their family.


Please pray for Jeremy and Rocio. Each suffered extremely difficult childhoods and walked away from God for a long time. After getting married and having children, they decided it was time to give church a chance again. Their journey led them to BridgePointe about 6 months ago. After taking Starting Point in the spring, they have decided to surrender their lives to Jesus and be baptized this summer. Please pray that they will have the courage to follow through on this decision and will experience the new life offered by Jesus through the the Holy Spirit.


Please pray for a high school senior who has run away from home. She was baptized about a year ago and is still walking with Jesus, but is scared and confused because of major transitions in her family. Please pray that she would make wise decisions and maintain her faith in Jesus during this difficult time for her and her family.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
