RHM Cross-Cultural Prayer, Praises & Petitions

Chinese To Christ Ministry (C2C)
IBCC China – Wing Wong

•     Praise the Lord that we started a Cantonese “Disciples Making Disciples” group in New Hampshire! Eight Christians and one non-Christian attended the first meeting. This small group serves both purposes of reaching out to those who are outside of Christ and building up those who are in Christ. The Christians will have a hands-on learning experience of disciple-making. Please pray that this group will be able to strengthen the Church and reach many Chinese for Christ here and beyond!

•     Praise the Lord that Manchester Chinese Christian Church has made a commitment to support the Chinese To Christ Ministry! May this become a blessing to both the mission and the Church!

•     Praise the Lord for our students in China who have found a Greek online course in Chinese that’s free of charge! All they need to pay for are their textbooks and workbooks. Pray that they will make a good use of this resource and can have a better understanding of God’s Word.

•     Pray for Stacy. Although she was turned down thrice for a student visa from the US consulate in China, she has not given up her desire to be better equipped for God’s ministries in China. We are going to find a seminary for her in Hong Kong. Pray that we will be able to find a school which will give her the proper training in the Word and ministry skills that she will need for her calling.

•     Pray for Wing Wong as he will be in China from March 2 for three weeks! Besides teaching and preaching, he will meet with all the key C2C ministry coworkers for fine-tuning the ministry structure and new work assignments.

•     Person of the month: Sister Fang. (I will highlight a person each month for prayer needs. Please remember this person in your prayers throughout the month. Thank you!)  Sister Fang has been my student and co-worker for 17 years. She took an early retirement from her job as a foreman in a factory and became a full-time evangelist and church planter in Jiangxi, China. She has planted four house churches and is overseeing three churches. She is a strong evangelist and has been taking her teams out to do evangelism every week. She married twenty years ago before she had heard of the Gospel. Although her husband is not a Christian, her daughter is a devoted Christian and a good helper for her. Recently her husband divorced her and insisted that he would not give them any financial support if their daughter chose to study in a Bible college rather than a secular university. We need you to remember Sister Fang in prayers. First, may God comfort her and strengthen her in a time of shame, guilt and loneliness. Second, may the Christians understand her difficulty trying to save the marriage. Third, may the healing process begin to Sister Fang, her family, and the church.  Fourth, may her daughter not be discouraged and continue to prepare herself for God’s ministry.

Manchester Chinese Christian Church
Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

•    The theme of our church this year is: “Love your neighbors as yourself.” Pray that we will have wisdom and opportunity to reach them. Pray for our Easter outreach planning.

•    Elle Zhang has started to attend worship gatherings. She expresses a keen interest in Christianity though she knows nothing about Jesus Christ and the Bible. Minister Lee plans to have a Bible study with her. Please pray that she will open her heart to the Spirit’s call to follow Christ.

•    Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew, and his ministry with our youth and young adults. Please pray for our youth to experience a personal relationship with Jesus as they grow in their faith journey.

•    Pray for Alex who lost his mother last Summer. He’s been joining our church family more during youth events, but he’s still in need of prayer for healing.

•    Pray for the young adults who have been attending our church and meeting one-on-one with Andrew. May God open their hearts and minds to receive the gospel.

New Life Cambodian Christian Church
Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

•     Please pray for Rinn Sim’s ministry with the Cambodian people who don’t know Jesus. Pray for the Lord to fill this church with power and strength to share the good news of Jesus with our friends and neighbors.

•     Please pray for our men’s ministry leaders to have spiritual growth. Pray for continual encouragement to build up our own personal relationship with the Lord.

•    Thank God for our Worship team as they share the good news through praise. Pray that God will continue to raise up leaders.

•    Ask God to reveal a new place for us to worship.

•    Pray for Than Thach and his 2 children. They are waiting for immigration documents regarding his green card which is due to expire before his hearing date. Than has also developed a health issue which has made it difficult for them to come to church. Please pray for God’s hand to assist him with his situation.

•     Please pray for the future and for many more to come to know Christ and His Love.

New Hampshire Korean Christian Church
Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH 

•     Pray for our church to be focused on obeying God’s commands.

•     Please keep praying for the spouses of our church members who have not made a decision to follow the Lord.

•     Pray for our Young Adult Group as we reach out to new Korean students. Pray for Grace and Emily who are two new Korean students attending our church. Pray that they will be free from their studies to join us for group Bible study. May they open their hearts to experiencing the love of Jesus and desire a personal relationship with Him.

•     Please continue to pray for Young Ju Roh who has been seeking God in both study and relationship. Pray for her as she grows in faith and for her to receive the gift of salvation through baptism.

•     Please pray for our Easter outreach. Pray for guidance and effectiveness in reaching both Korean people and our American neighbors within our communities.

•     Praise God for CI Guen who’s one of our young adult members. He has recently returned from boot camp with the US military. God has been using him while he was there to share the gospel of Jesus. Pray for God to continually groom him in Christian leadership

Oasis Christian Church Liberian
Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie – Providence, RI

•     Thank you for all the prayers for our special Valentine’s Day. We were able by the grace of God to connect with some special people like Oumou who is Muslim and her husband Gesco. Please pray for them to encounter Jesus and have a genuine personal relationship with Him.

•     Let’s pray for the Kokeh family to have physical and spiritual healing.

•     We want to thank God for Juah and her family. We have a prayer request about her coming to the Lord. Juah surprised me with a phone call and told me she wants to study the Bible requesting that I mentor her. We started a weekly Bible study together on Wednesday’s. Please pray for this study to not be mere knowledge, but to reach the goal of having a personal relationship with Jesus.

•     Please pray for Emmanuel, Patricia, Patience, and Walker to have serious commitment to Christ and His Church.

•     Pray also for Lin Suit, a Chinese girl, we met last week in Miami. She manages a guesthouse where we stayed. She first told us that she doesn’t believe there’s a God, but, by the end of our visit, she took a bold step of faith and opened her heart inviting Jesus into her life! We gave her a New Testament to keep. One thing she said especially touched my heart: “I know you live far, but please don’t forget me. I need advice and prayer, I have so many problems.” We are seeking to connect her with a church in the area. Please pray for God to give her direction and for a community to help her grow closer to God. Pray also for her husband Brian who is in prison.

•     Pray for our church to receive God’s guidance in more evangelism.

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