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Hello Friends!

Today, the first day of Spring, tomorrow the 4th Nor’easter in the last month, with another 8-10’’ of snow predicted, but real Spring and Summer are on their way. We are prepping by offering an opportunity for some of your outstanding youth leaders to participate in a week of spiritual growth and development like no other in the country. Let me back up to provide a little background to this invitation.

Restoration House Ministries partners with the church to transform the spiritual landscape of New England through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Making disciples of Jesus by starting and nurturing new churches propels us toward that goal. But where are the young people who will start, lead, and support those new churches? They are growing and serving in your church! We want to partner with you to prepare young leaders who will participate and invest their lives in the future church. 

Each summer RHM invites twelve of the top young leaders from God’s church across America for a week-long growth experience called “Disciples Days.” These high school students learn about church planting, church leadership, worldviews, and the spiritual formation necessary to support life-transforming work. The group will travel New England experiencing the history and culture of one of the most unchurched, secular regions of the country while being inspired and trained by some of the most dedicated Christian servants in the world.  Experienced leaders teach and model what God is currently doing in church planting and church health to make this experience both practical and educational.

While learning, having fun, and building some life-long friendships, participants will be challenged to consider how God can use them in the church once they have graduated from college. They will learn that in God’s Kingdom all occupations can be sacred vocations leveraged to make and multiply disciples of Jesus.

We believe that the Holy Spirit empowers God’s church to transform the world through the power of the Gospel. Encourage your most outstanding young people to catch the vision by applying today for this opportunity in New England. Go to

If you have questions or need more information, please contact me directly at or at (603) 668-8808 Extension 4.  Thank you for your time and consideration of this invitation.

Grace and peace,

Bob Miller