Chinese to Christ Ministry

IBCC China – Wing Wong

  • Happy Chinese New Year!
  • We are facing plenty of challenges this year. I just heard that the Chinese government is stepping up another level of controlling the internet in China. Our students and co-workers may not be able to outsmart the government by using VPN any more. Another setback is a stronger control on non-residents visitation. We may have to turn away our American short-term mission teams who come to help with our VBS and camps because they must get government permission for the activities. The police are certainly likely to check on them during those events. Besides getting more pressure from the government, some people in Jiangxi, where we have thirteen churches, have vowed to report me to the police if I show up in their city because they think there are too many faithful followers there who would not give up my leadership. However, praise the Lord, He has already revealed new ways to evangelize the Chinese people in China and has led another couple to join our team! (At this time, I cannot share our new plan for security reasons.) We appreciate your prayers very much!
  • Praise God for the protection of our co-workers and the printing company! First, the man who does our printing was almost caught publishing my last book on Philippians. The police came and searched his shop just before our co-worker gave him the book to be printed. If he had been caught, he would have had to pay a very heavy fine and our co-worker might have ended up in jail. (Last year, a print shop was fined for over USD120,000 and the Christian minister was jailed for 6 months.)
  • One of my co-workers was recently detained carrying about a hundred copies of the Philippians book across the China border to Hong Kong.  When the police opened her suitcase, somehow the study books had slipped under several children books that she was going to give to her grand-nephew. The police thought all the books were harmless children’s books and let her go! Thank God for His protection! Thank you for praying!
  • Please take note that we changed our mission’s name last November from Hong Kong Christian Mission (HKCM) to Chinese To Christ Ministry (C2C Ministry) as a better description on the focus of our ministry. We have prepared a nice brochure to explain the change and the details of our ministry. If you want a copy, please contact me either through RHM or email your request to





Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • The theme of our church this year is: “Love your neighbors as yourself.” We want to reach our Chinese neighbors. Specifically, we will target the elderly since many of them just stay home without much of a social life. Pray that we will have the love of Christ and wisdom from above to reach them.
  • Please pray for Brother Philip Cheng. He has tinnitus which adversely affects his sleep. We have prayed for his healing. If it is in the Lord’s will, please pray that God will manifest His mercy to Philip so that he will know God more through this weakness.
  • Give thanks to God that Vera, Preacher Lee’s daughter, arrived safely in South Africa and has started her co-op.  Please uplift her in prayer so that she will make wise decisions and have a positive impact on those she meets.




New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Please pray for our preacher, Rinn Sim, to be filled with strength and wisdom as he leads our church.
  • Please pray for God to strengthen our leaders and help us mature in our faith.
  • Pray for our outreach as we share Christ’s love with others.
  • Please pray for the Lord to provide strength for Pheap (a mother of six) and to help others grow in faith. Pray for us to be strong in our habit of prayer and personal evangelism.
  • Please pray for a new place to worship due to complaints about the volume of our praise. Bind Satan as he attempts to use good for bad.
  • Pray for wisdom as Preacher Rinn Sim studies how to repair broken hearts suffered by many of our attenders.
  • Pray for us as we continue to move our Bible studies from place to place so that more people can join. Please pray for the multiplication of leaders for these study groups.
  • Please pray for the future, that many more will come to know Christ and His love.



New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH 

  • Pray for our church to be focused on obeying God’s commands. May the Holy Spirit give us conviction to share the Good News.
  • Pray for our Young Adult Group as we reach out to new Korean students.  Pray especially for two new female Korean students, Ji-Hye and Ha-hyun, who have been attending our worship services, that God will open their hearts to the truth of Jesus.
  • Pray for Young Ju Roh who recently confessed Christ as Lord and Savior.  Pray for her as she meets with Yangwon about her relationship with Jesus.
  • Please pray for our college students who are studying abroad and at neighboring universities. Pray especially for Janice who will be studying in England for the next five months.
  • Keep praying for the spouses of our church members who have not yet decided to follow the Lord.
  • Pray for Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim. Hanna has undergone testing and a surgical procedure. Please pray for her as they both go through this process in trusting the Lord.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister Andrew Fross and his ministry with our young people. Pray for our Youth Group as they grow closer in relationship with Jesus and each other.
  • Please pray for Seong Bok Lee. Please pray for him as he interviews at Harvard so that God will use him as a witness to the Harvard community.




Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie- Providence, RI

  • Please pray for those attending our gatherings to grow a deeper, more genuine relationship with the Lord Jesus.
  • Please pray for effective evangelism that will impact our neighborhood and beyond.
  • Pray for our Valentine’s Day Outreach as we seek to reach out and touch couples and families.
  • Please pray for God’s provisions for our lives and for our men’s, women’s, youth, and children’s ministries.
  • Please pray for our leaders to have strength and a Spirit-led life.
  • Pray also for our spiritual and numerical growth this year. 



Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
