The goal of Project New Hope is to give hope to the suffering, socially abandoned, economically trapped and spiritually seeking in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, and Trujillo, Peru. PNH works with nationals in the communities, establishing churches to empower the poor to experience personal and community transformation, using the key strategies of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) and Bible storytelling.


Vision trip

In partnership with CMF International, we are working toward community transformation. We recently hosted Steve Palich from CMF, who brought Eric Pruitt and Darrell Blackwell, Connect Christian Church, NC; and Paul Goddard, Central Christian Church, Wichita, KS, on a vision trip. Paul shared a program called The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) to train and prepare pastors and church leaders. It is an in-depth study of the Bible that can take up to three years to complete. We are very excited to start this process with our church in Ecuador and, in the near future, with the church in Peru. 

American Christian leaders visit Ecuador A group of American Christian leaders visited Ecuador recently to see PNH ministries in action and discuss partnership opportunities.

This group accompanied us as we visited church members to encourage and pray with them. They enjoyed getting to know the people and the barrio. We had a pig roast after the church service to which we invited several new families that we have been getting to know. A woman who works for a government program with the elderly, and with whom we also work, told me while we were eating that she was impacted by Gabriel’s sermon. She said that he is so humble and shows so much compassion when he preaches. Gabriel has been working hard with Mike on his preaching and he is starting to show the fruits of his labor. He is teachable and passionate for Christ. 

After the pig roast we had several women from the church visit the elderly. We prayed with them, and they were pleased and thankful to receive pork for lunch. We had another group play games and sports with the people in the barrio. We also spent some time in a new barrio during “adopt a block.” One of the families in this barrio told us that they are so grateful that every Saturday we come and do things with the kids in the barrio because no one cares about their kids. This family wants to participate more and they want to start a house group.   

We enjoyed our time with this group and look forward to partnering with them to grow God’s kingdom in Ecuador. Eric will bring a team from Connect Christian Church to work with us in Ecuador this summer. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us in everything we do. We want to thank this group of men for taking the time to show Christ’s love to the people of Ecuador! 

group photo

Monica's baptismWomen’s retreat

We recently held our first women’s retreat in Ecuador. It was incredible to experience God working in these women. We have more disciples to train and we are excited to see how God is going to transform them. We taught on God’s forgiveness and how to counsel other women. Monica was baptized, and she has been so eager to know Christ more and be a new creation in Him. We have been working with her for more than two years. Monica, like so many, had a rough childhood of abuse and is learning how to be different in Christ so she can be an example to her children and others. It was an awesome retreat and the memories will not be forgotten!

group of womenPNH recently held its first women’s retreat in Ecuador.

group of women at retreat



JohnnyJohnny Castle is a young man who lives in Trujillo, Peru, and was surrounded by bad company and influenced by many worldly things. One day he decided that he was tired of this lifestyle and wanted to know the Jesus that we talked and preached about. He decided to give his life to Jesus Christ and join God’s Kingdom. He broke away from worldly attachments and was baptized on March 11! He now knows that he cannot find the peace he was looking for by getting drunk and he vows to serve Jesus, the one who gave His life up for him. He is very enthusiastic to start his new life. Johnny is being mentored and becoming a disciple for Christ; he is hungry for the Word and wants to know more. He is learning how to study the Bible and how important it is to put what he has learned into practice. He has already started sharing the Gospel with his best friend and even picks him up to take him to church on Sundays.

 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”  2 Corinthians 5:17


Prayer Movement

Our goal is to have a prayer movement to grow God’s kingdom and equip His people to make disciples who make disciples! We are looking for 5,000 prayer warriors! If you are one of these and know others, please send us an email to get started.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18


  • Baptisms in Peru and Ecuador.
  • Powerful women’s retreat.
  • Literacy classes: people are learning how to read and some are coming to church.
  • Jazmin, Monica’s daughter, is back at home after running away!
  • Skylar has finished her first year of college.

Prayer requests:

  • Planning and organizing the before- and after-school program in Ecuador.
  • Prayer movement: that we reach our goal of finding 5,000 prayer warriors.
  • TUMI program: training future pastors and church leaders.
  • Wisdom for the missionaries to give biblical advice to those who are hurting.
  • Nicole completing high school.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Mike and Danell Bukta
Team Expansion missionaries to Peru and Ecuador


Project New Hope + CMF

CMF and Project New Hope are part of an exciting partnership with Team Expansion missionaries Mike and Dani Bukta and their work in Peru and Ecuador. Through this partnership we will work together toward holistic mission where disciples are made, individual lives are transformed, and nationals are empowered to lead. U.S. churches will be challenged to actively partner in this ministry with the goal of creating dynamic Christ-centered communities (churches) that can transform the world.

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