But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8

    What a great privilege to gather with nearly all our Polish pastors plus some of their elders at the annual Christian Church conference in Zakosciele! We are so thankful for these men and the high level of leadership they exhibit. Please continue to pray for them and their congregations. 

Northwest Poland
These three men from the Southport Heights CC in Indianapolis, IN, traveled with us throughout NW Poland earlier in June. Steve Ferguson and the Southport congregation are a “living link” church with Stanisław Kotliński and the Messianic congregation in Koszalin. It was great meeting with leaders and worshiping with PCM’s partner churches in this region of Poland. 

Lois Harris has served PCM as an administrative assistant for 23 years. This June she and her husband, Frank, traveled to Poland for the first time. They were able to meet with several of the Polish pastors as well as enjoy the beauty, history, and culture of the nation. We are thankful for Lois and are so glad she could at last step foot in this country which she has served so faithfully over the years.

Holocaust Survivors Camp
 A big “thank you” to the team from Compassion Christian Church in Savannah, GA, who came again this year to serve our guests from Israel. Together with a team of musicians from Wisconsin, they created a beautiful atmosphere of love and shalom at Ostroda Camp. We pray the hearts of these dear ones will soon turn to behold their Messiah, Yeshua.
                                     UKRAINIAN CHILDREN’S CAMP 2017
  We just finished 8 wonderful days with 68 Ukrainian children at Ostroda Camp. Two U.S. teams from Brighton, MI, and Marshfield, MO, joined with a team of Ukrainian counselors to teach and love on these children. Our theme was “It’s All About Jesus.” Please pray for the seeds planted in the hearts of these children to bear fruit that will last forever. 

                                                                 Prayer Requests
Please pray for …
Andrzej Ostrowski, pastor in Kolobrzeg, as he has returned home but still is going to rehab from a stroke suffered in early April.
…the family of Beata Kolak who went home to be with the Lord in early June. She was a faithful servant of the Lord and already is so missed. Please pray for her husband and son   as they grieve her loss.
Lydia Chojnacka (wife of Pastor Zbigniew Chojnacki in Ostróda) who is recovering from knee surgery in June .
…the new church plant in Bemowo (district of Warsaw) under the leadership of Adam Dulinski.
…a new pastor for the church in Koszalin and funds to support him.
…additional funds for these churches: Bialogard ($700), Katowice ($450), Lidzbark Warminski ($600), Lodz ($600), and Siemiatycze ($750).
…these US churches who are making plans to come to Poland in 2017: Southport Heights CC, Indianapolis, IN; Compassion CC, Savannah, GA; Brighton CC, MI; Hillside CC, Marshfield, MO; Bloomsburg CC, PA; Trader’s Point CC, Zionsville, IN; Perimeter Church, Atlanta, GA; Seerley Creek CC, Indianapolis, IN; New Hope CC, Whitestown, IN; Post Road CC, Indianapolis, IN; Christ’s Church, Jacksonville, FL; and OceanPointe CC, Middletown, RI.
Dave and Sandy as they visit these cities and churches in Poland 
July 2            Warsaw West
July 2            Ciechanow
July 9            Biala Podlaska
July 16          Warsaw Pulawska   
If your church is interested in having PCM come to your congregation in 2017-2018,
please contact David at his new email address (dave.hatfield777@gmail.com) or call him at 810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone).


All donations to Polish Christian Ministries
should be sent to our new address:
1212 Schucks Rd., Bel Air, MD 21015        
Donations may also be made via our website:
www.pcmusa.org  Click on: Ways to Give
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone)
                 Polish Christian Ministries | 410-688-3294 | pcm@pcmusa.org |  www.pcmusa.org   

                                                                   STAY CONNECTED:
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