The Prayer Partner Letter is a publication of Pioneer Bible Translators
June 2016

Dear Prayer Partners,
Yancey Yarick is the director of Pioneer Bible Translators’ East Africa Branch. He is also a Bible translator for the Yughuru people group. He wrote an email on March 2, 2016, to his “Moses Group” (a reference to Exodus 17:8-13 where it took Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ tired arms to win the battle against the Amalekites). Yancey entitled his email “Lughuru Dedication!
My cup overflows! Today is my birthday, and like most people this day causes me to reflect. As I reflect on my life and where God has brought me, I truly feel blessed. I have an amazing wife who blows me away all the time. I have two great kids who bring so much laughter, fun, and joy into my life. I have a great team of both missionaries and nationals here that I get to work with. I have all of you praying for and supporting us to be here. I also feel like I have the best “job” in the world as I get to be a part of bringing people the Word of God in their language for the first time. I am truly humbled and blown away with how God has blessed me. 

Sometimes I find myself focusing on the challenges, frustrations, and difficulties of life and I lose perspective. This is especially true in this ministry. This last week I was able to finish exegetically checking Exodus with the Kutu team (thanks for praying for that by the way), but it was hard and on Friday I was feeling really drained. Then on Sunday I went and participated in a local dedication of the New Testament for the Lughuru language. As I watched people’s faces light up as they read and heard the Word of God in their heart language, I was reminded of why we are doing this work and that all the challenges and difficulties we face are totally worth it. At one point my heart was so filled with joy as I watched people dancing and holding their Bibles up and singing praise to the Lord. In that moment I felt like I was getting a small glimpse of what the day is going to look like in heaven when people from every tribe, tongue, and nation are standing before the throne giving praise to the Lord. 

Thanks for praying and supporting us so that we can be here and get glimpses of what heaven is going to be like.  

Thank you for your prayers,
Gerald & Ruth Denny
Coordinators of Prayer Ministries
Pioneer Bible Translators
Praise God with Yancey that the Lughuru people now have the New Testament in their language.

Thank God for the encouragement the dedication service brought to Yancey and to the Lughuru people who were there.

Pray that each Lughuru person who receives a New Testament will read it regularly, apply it to his or her life, and increasingly live a Christ-honoring life.

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