This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners.

February 21 – 27

Cross-cultural Personnel 

Pioneer Bible Translators serves the world’s least-reached people groups. Our personnel live in physically and spiritually challenging circumstances. Your prayers uphold them as they minister.

Impactful ministry flows from a person’s relationship with God. Pray for a vibrant, growing spiritual life for all our personnel.    

The intensity of cross-cultural life and ministry brings unique stresses to relationships, especially marriages. Pray for healthy marriages that model God’s desires for how husbands and wives should treat each other.      

Children gain numerous benefits growing up in cross-cultural ministry families. Pray that they will recognize and appreciate their experiences while also honestly facing the accompanying challenges.   

Faithful prayer and financial support is crucial. Pray that those who promise to pray for our personnel and financially enable their ministries will fulfill their commitments.    

The ruler of this dark age does not want God’s Kingdom to grow and spread. Pray that God will protect our personnel physically, spiritually, and relationally.      

Many serve in areas devastated by war, natural disasters, and radicalism. Pray that God will protect them and those they serve as His Kingdom is being established in these difficult places.    
We desire to see churches using Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply. Pray that our personnel will experience the joy of seeing God bringing this about in the places where they serve.

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