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October 29 – November 4

Strategic Prayer Focus

Prayer is foundational to every aspect of Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry. Please join us in praying for these strategic requests.

Pray that God will give us perfect unity of spirit and heart in our worldwide team.

Our new global partner in Brazil, Missao Pioneiros da Bíblia, recently held its first Discovery recruitment event. Pray for the 34 men and women who attended as they prayerfully seek God’s leading whether to serve in this ministry.     

Pray that God will send the right person to serve as operations manager for our team in North Africa.      

Our personnel team provides infrastructure and foundational resources to recruit, develop, and care for overseas and stateside team members. Pray for wisdom in carrying out these responsibilities.   

Our recruiters represent the needs of Bibleless, churchless people groups on college campuses and in other venues. Pray that God will bring two additional recruiters to our team.     

Our Board of Directors offers invaluable guidance to our ministry. Pray for wisdom for the many decisions they will make as they meet today and tomorrow.     
The Vision Building and John Relyea Prayer Tower at our International Service Center in Dallas, Texas, is being dedicated today. Pray that the strategic work that takes place in this new building will propel our ministry forward on behalf of Bibleless people around the world.

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