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August 27 – September 2

Scripture Distribution

Pioneer Bible Translators personnel utilize a variety of locally-appropriate means to distribute translated Scripture.

Pray that the portions of God’s Word that people receive in booklets, in Scripture memorization programs, on calendars, and in other formats will impact their lives and create hunger for more.

Pray that no obstacle – political, social, religious, geographic, economic – will keep people from receiving God’s Word.     

Pray that translated Scripture available on the internet will be accessed and read, especially in locations where obtaining printed copies is difficult and even dangerous.      

Pray that efforts to distribute Scripture via cell phone-based networks in places without reliable internet will bear fruit.   

Pray that quality audio recordings of translated Scripture can be produced and distributed, particularly on behalf of those who cannot fluently read God’s Word themselves.    

Pray that presentations of God’s Word through music, drama, storytelling, and other local art forms will deeply move hearers and create a desire to know Him more.     
Pray that the translated Word of God, in whatever form people receive it, will have a transforming impact on their lives.