Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15

Do Zobaczenia, Faithful Servant
On Sunday evening, August 27, our dear brother, Paul Bajko, age 95, went to be with the Lord. As founder and director of PCM for more than 40 years, his life has greatly impacted the growth of the church in Poland. We thank God for this faithful servant who poured himself out on behalf of God’s kingdom work. Please join us in praying God’s peace and comfort over Paul’s wife, Adela, and the rest of the family.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. (I Thess. 4:16-18)

VBS in Bielsk Podlaski
 For 25 years the church in Bielsk Podlaski has organized a Vacation Bible School for the children in their community. This summer was no exception as they welcomed 67 children the first week of August. 10 adults, 28 teenage volunteers, and a kitchen staff of 14 served these children — teaching the Word of God, singing songs of praise, playing games, creating art, and showing the love of Jesus. May God complete the good work He has begun in these young lives!

Gospel Camp

The Center for the Training of Musicians and Worship Leaders (CSM) under the direction of Adam Kosewski recently organized a “Gospel Camp” for musicians and their families. Besides the training offered to improve vocal and instrumental skills, it was a time of worship and inspiration.
CSM offers ongoing training throughout the year in two locations.

It’s exciting to watch as worship leaders are being encouraged to lead with excellence from humble hearts filled with praise.
Building Projects Fund
We’re on our way toward reaching our goal but there’s still a ways to go. As of August 31, PCM has received $61,931.20 toward our targeted amount of $175,000. These funds go toward the nine building/renovation projects currently underway in our Polish churches.
Please join us in praying and consider donating so the needed funds will be in hand by the end of 2018. We are thankful for the growth occurring in several of our churches and the need for more space. We trust God to provide so that His church will continue to grow and reach out to the people of Poland.

                                  Prayer Requests
Please pray for …
Adela Bajko and her familyMay God bring comfort, peace, and hope to all those who are grieving.
Andrzej Ostrowski, pastor in Kolobrzeg, as he continues to go to rehab and to recover from a stroke suffered in April.
Jacek Konicki as he recovers from a knee injury.
…a new pastor for the church in Koszalin and funds to support him.
…additional funds for these churches: Bialogard ($700), Katowice ($450), Lidzbark Warminski ($600), Lodz ($600), and Siemiatycze ($750).
…the teams from Christ’s Church (Jacksonville, FL) and OceanPointe CC (Middletown, RI), as they prepare to come to Poland in the fall of 2017.  
Dave and Sandy – September/October schedule:
Sept. 1 — Bel Air, MD – Funeral service for Paul Bajko
Sept. 3 — Brighton Christian Church, Brighton, MI
Sept. 15 — Central Christian Church, Mt. Vernon, IL
Sept. 17 — Fairfield Christian Church, Fairfield, IL 150th Anniversary Celebration
Sept. 27/28 — Flight to Poland
Sept 30-October 7 — Christ’s Church, Jacksonville, FL, serving in Olsztyn, PL
Oct 1 — Olsztyn, Poland
Oct 8 — Warsaw, Poland
Oct 8-18 — OceanPointe Christian Church, Middletown, RI, serving in Sosnowiec, PL
Oct 15 — Sosnowiec, Poland
Oct 20-22 — CSM celebrating 10 years of ministry at Osrodek H20 in Kiczyce, PL
If your church is interested in having PCM come to your congregation in 2017-2018,
please contact David at his new email address ( or call him at 810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone).

All donations to Polish Christian Ministries
should be sent to our new address:
Donations may also be made via our website: Click on: Ways to Give
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone)
         Polish Christian Ministries | 410-688-3294 | |  

                                  STAY CONNECTED:
Polish Christian Ministries | 1212 Schucks Road Bel Air, MD 21015-5008