NMSI Weekly Blog: Transformed Lives

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Reaching the Unreached of Myanmar

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST

Today’s story is from James and Marta Khong.

Khong Di, one of our Myanmar Vision Ministries (MVM) evangelists, has faithfully traveled for the past 20 years to the Kanan region in northern Myanmar. There he patiently built relationships and steadily gained the trust of local Buddhists so that he could bring unbelieving hearts the redeeming Gospel of Jesus Christ. Khong Di’s planting of seeds grew abundantly this past December! For it was the first time we were able to get local permission to bring our MVM Christmas Outreach program there – music, song, gifts, evangelism, and the showing of the JESUS Film by my brother, Khong Khin and another MVM evangelist. Friends, this was nothing less than a miracle bestowed on the unreached by our redeeming God! Prior to our presence there, the area had been under tight control and restrictions that unfortunately blocked our ministry. But not this past Christmas. Feel free to rejoice with us as we continue to celebrate the preaching of the Gospel and the true meaning of Christmas being told to village audiences. Many people came and heard for the first time the story of Jesus – his birth, life, death, and resurrection!

Most in attendance were women of all ages who are usually significant in the spread of the Gospel to their family members and others in their villages. Many children also attended because seeing a movie is such a rare thing in their modest villages. A few men came too. All in attendance heard testimonies from their own people about what had been in their heart for years – that God was drawing them to Himself. The Christmas Outreach completes their seeking and journey with a clear Gospel message and call for becoming disciples of Jesus. A Christian sister from Kanan land who traveled with us also gave her testimony – both in her heart language and in Burmese. This touched many hearts and surely moved people into seeing what was previously unknown to them. Let me repeat – this outreach was a miracle of God! But God needs faithful servants like Khong Di and others to be available to go, pray, support, and sacrifice of themselves to answer His call to reach the unreached. To let them know God forgives, cleanses, saves, and continues to redeem.

Khong Di will continue to travel to the Kanan Land to share with their leaders and plant a church where the people can express and share their faith openly. Please join us in prayer for this – another miracle! It will happen!