New Baby!

In the midst of our Ministry E-Newsletters, we wanted to let you know that we had a baby!  Savannah Faith Gill was born to us, on June 20th, at 10pm, here in Pakistan.  She has been a big blessing to us, and Amelia is proud to be an older sister!  Here are some pics to share:

Thank you for all of your love and prayers!  We love and appreciate you all.

For the other urgent current Ministry Needs, please click HERE to read the last Newsletter.


Prayer Requests


  • House Transition: Sam and Brittany are currently busy, trying to move in their own house.  They currently don’t live in their own house, and had to consider their budget, before making this move.  Please pray for them as they work through this progress and transition, and as they try to finance everything, moving into this house.

  • The School Urgent Need and Situation.  As you may have read in the past Newsletter, our School is needing to move into a new building, for rent, until we have our Bible College project completed (when we will own our own land and building).  We found a building to rent, but it is going to be way more expensive than the previous rent.  If we are not able to finance it, our school will shut down.  Please pray about this urgent need.



NHCMP is extremely grateful for you, your love, support and prayers.  Your financial support is also making a huge difference.  The people of Pakistan would like to send a huge thank you to all of you.


How to Donate to NHCMP:

Donating Online:
Before clicking the link, down below, please read this:
On the webpage, change the upper drop-down box to “Missions Fund,” and in the Special Instructions Box, write “To Sam Gill, 

Here is the link for Online Donations:


Donating through the Mail

Please make your Check out to: Eagle Christian Church

Memo: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Donations are Tax-Deductible