Sudden Need

Urgent Need for New Hope School:

The New Hope School started in 2004, officially, with a dream that Sam Gill had for uplifting the lives of young Christian kids, who had no hope for better lives.  Sam had figured it out at an early age, that without being educated, there is no future for Christians in a 97% Muslim Country. 

As there is no concept of life without Oxygen, there is no concept of a better life for Christian people withouteducation.  Education not only helps them to have a respectful life, but it will also gives them a purpose to live.  Besides, it will also provide them a status to reach out to rich Muslim communities, which is impossible without having a higher education. 

Unfortunately, a great number of uneducated Christian people are living purposeless lives.  A number of them are also doing jobs, which are equal to modern-day slavery.  A huge number of illiterate Christian women are being raped and abducted by Muslim Landlords.  Keeping all of these preceding, alarming facts in his mind, Sam decided to start a school in a community where the literacy rate was 0% among the Christians.

It is worth noting that education in Pakistan is not like the United States, where someone can still make a good income, regardless of higher education.  In the U.S., I observed many people who do not have business degrees but are working in banks.  Contrary to that, in Pakistan, “Education is money, prestige and life security.”  You may laugh and be surprised to hear that, in Pakistan, if you want to work as a waiter in a reputable restaurant, you must have an Undergrad or Master Degree. 

And, most of all, without education, in Pakistan, you will be an easy target for the Muslims, who have money.

Our New Hope School, right now, has around 60 students, from Kindergarten to the 8th Grade.  This is a place where Christian kids are not only learning about general education, but also Christian education.  Most of these students are Christian (with very few Muslims).  A good number of these students are now in high schools and colleges.  We are all wishing the best for them. 

Right now, we do not currently own our own school building (we are waiting to get our school in the Bible College building, once our fundraising is completed).  We are in a rental building.  Recently, the landlord of this rental building told us that we needed to move.  So, we need to find a different rental building.  We will have to keep renting, until we have our own building.

We really need your prayers for this, because we found a different rental building that will be suitable (for now), but the rent will be higher.  We paid a lot less, at the last building, but this building is going to require a higher budget for us.  Due to this building’s location, we will need to hire extra security guards, and we also need to hire more teachers.


The cost of this building’s rent, plus the extra funds that go into paying our new teachers, the extra security guards, etc., is going to cost $1,200 a month. 

We are really hoping that we can get into the Bible College building asap, once our fundraising project is complete with that.  It costs so much less to have our own building. Until then, NHCMP has to pay for a rental building to keep our school running.  This is going to be much more expensive, so please keep this matter in your prayers, and please pray for the extra support needed for this matter.

We do not have an option to delay, because we may lose many students, or our school may shut down (until we get the funds to re-open). There are students who are largely depending on our support.  We all believe that sometimes, God puts us in a tough situation to make our Christian standards higher. 

Having a bigger building will also increase the credibility of the school and will attract the rich Muslim community.  We hope you all consider this situation, seriously, and do not put it aside.  Just as we love our kids and grand-kids, and can sacrifice to make their lives better, likewise, we have to make some sacrifices to save the future of these Christian Children, as well.

Breaking News: We were 8 miles away, but are safe from the Suicide Bombing that happened, on Easter

(We reported, more, about this incident, in the last E-Newsletter.  If you missed it, click HERE).

You probably heard about this, all over the news.

There is more information in our past newsletter, but, in a nutshell, we were 8 miles away from it.  Our Elder’s Nephew died, in the incident.  In addition, another one of our Church families were about 50 yards away from the bomb, and saw it.  They said it was a madhouse, trying to get out.  It took them about 5 minutes to move 10 feet, as they were behind a mob of people, also trying to escape the park

With our Elder’s family, and the nephew that died . . .  the Bomb actually injured him, making him fall to the ground.  He could not get up, and he died from the stampede that ran over him.  Very sad.  Please keep all of these families in your prayers, as well as the people of Pakistan.

Additional Breaking News: We are safe from the earthquake that happened, last Sunday (April 10th).

You might have heard about this, also, on the news.

We had an earthquake, here, last Sunday, April 10th.  The earthquake rippled from Afghanistan, all of the way to India, affecting Pakistan, as well.  It was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, and tremors could be felt for 90 seconds.  During this time, Sam felt the house shifting.  Brittany was pouring chai into some chai cups, and felt the stove sway back and forth.  After noticing that the kitchen gadgets (that were hanging on the wall) were swaying, Sam called her name, and they both realized that an earthquake had happened.  Everyone, nearby was rushing outside, waiting for aftershocks.  Fortunately, no aftershocks happened.  During this time, the TV was reporting about this earthquake, on the news.

Thanks to the Grace of God and your prayers, we are safe.

$75,000 Raised, out of $600,000, for our future Bible College. 

We are happy to say, so far, that we have raised $75,000, out of $600,000, for our Bible College Project.  We are hoping to complete this fundraising project, as soon as possible.  And, please keep in mind that this will also be our School Building and Sewing Center Building. 

Will you, or your Church consider partnering with us, in this project?  The sooner we start our Bible College, the sooner we will be able to train Preaching Ministers, and other deserving students who desire to be trained, in the ministry.  And, the sooner we will have more people to spread the Good News.

Once we also have this building, we will also be able to facilitate American visitors, who want to be a part of teaching, training, etc., in our Bible College and School. 

To read our original Bible College Proposal, please click HERE.

Tom’s Visit (Coming in the next Newsletter)!

Some of you heard, from Facebook that we had an American visitor.  Yes, we did.  NHCMP was very thankful and grateful to have Tom Mullenix visit us (Tom is a Preacher, Teacher, Writer and the Founder of Twelve21 Mission).  We plan to share more about his visit, in the next newsletter, so stay tuned to see some upcoming pictures and news!


Contacting Us via Phone

Our temporary US numbers, that we had, while we were traveling, have now been deleted (so, you can delete those US numbers from your phone).

We have cell phones, in Pakistan, but they are international numbers. We can give them to you, if you’d like. The easiest way to contact us, though, is through Facebook, Skype, Viber or WhatsApp.  We do many updates, on Facebook.  On Viber and WhatsApp, we are registered, on there, through our International numbers, so you will have to get those from us, if you want to add us. 


For those of you who do not know what Viber and WhatsApp is.. they are two apps that you can download to your phone, and you can text and call, for free (as long as you have an internet connection). It doesn’t use up any of your phone minutes. And, you can also send picture text messages, too.

Feel free to ask us about Skype and our numbers, registered on Viber and WhatsApp, and we can get in touch!


NHCMP is extremely grateful for you, your love, support and prayers.  Your financial support is also making a huge difference.  The people of Pakistan would like to send a huge thank you to all of you.


How to Donate to NHCMP:

Donating Online:
Before clicking the link, down below, please read this:
On the webpage, change the upper drop-down box to “Missions Fund,” and in the Special Instructions Box, write “To Sam Gill, 

Here is the link for Online Donations:


Donating through the Mail

Please make your Check out to: Eagle Christian Church

Memo: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Donations are Tax-Deductible

New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan – Sam and Brittany Gill · P.O. Box 12253 · Bothell, WA 98082 · USA