Your love, prayers, and gifts are making an impact!

Welcome to the Spring 2016 edition of our newsletter! 

In this issue we update you on our agriculture project, our new 2016 Piglets Project, church rebuilding progress, 2015 Village Christmas Meals, the annual northwest Christian convention, and much more.

Also in this issue is a big surprise about the Khongsai family!

In addition to the above, you will find reports from our teams who visited Myanmar in December and February, and you won’t want to miss the great story of a young man with an incredible heart full of love for the people of Myanmar, and what he did to demonstrate that love.

Here is the link to our newsletter:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our newsletter, and for caring about the people of Myanmar. Your generous love is evident to all!

If you want to give to help with any of our projects or to meet a specific need mentioned in the newsletter, you can give online by clicking here:

Or, you can send a check to:
624 Garvey Ln
Chatham, IL 62629 
Please note: We have recently switched accounting software and are now sending receipts electronically, via email. If you want or need any return envelopes for sending in your donations, please let us know and we will get them out to you right away.

As always, please send us your thoughts and prayer requests. The students and staff at Hope Boarding School have prayer time every evening, and they love to pray for you!

Thank you, God bless you, and be at peace!

Charles R. Cherry, Director
Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc.
624 Garvey Lane, Chatham, IL 62629-5086



“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” 
– Amy Carmichael, Missionary to India

Copyright © 2016 Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc., All rights reserved.