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Residents of the New Pathway Home


The construction of New Pathway Home in Tamu Myanmar is finished. There is excitement in the house as the first six residents settle into their new home and get acquainted with each other.

Over the weekend, a dedication service was held for the building. Dr. T Lunkim, a 91 year-old minister (Chief Translator of Kuki Holy Bible and Administrative Secretary of Kuki Christian Church Mission, India) was the honored guest speaker. Many people, including area Buddhist friends, attended the ceremony. The New Pathway home and all those involved in this Kingdom work are witnessing to others in such a large capacity – how great to be part of this! Dr. Palal notes, “We are so blessed with this newly wonderful ministry in our region! This is the first mission in the whole region. Both Christians and Buddhists are very happy for opening this project and joyfully attended our dedication ceremony.”


Most of the residents are experiencing things for the first time in their lives that you and I in America take for granted. This includes sleeping on a mattress for the first time, eating three meals a day, having medical assessments and receiving much needed medicine. These six widows now have the security of a roof over their head and a place they can call home.
This is all made possible because of ministry friends like you responding to the message of James 1:27:
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”
The story does not end here with these six widows moving into the New Pathway Home. This is God’s story and He always has a way of amazing the world and revealing His extraordinary love and grace.
As the residents of the New Pathway Home were getting acquainted, two of them, Pi Vei Ja Lhing  of Jojam village and Pi Nem Ja Hat of Vokso village found out that they were very good friends from a long time ago. As children they lived in the same village and were close friends. However, when they were about 15 years old their families moved away to different villages and that was the last time they saw each other. Both of them were married and living in different villages. Both of their husbands died leaving them with no income, no one to care for them and no place to live. 
These two widows were filled with joy when they were chosen to be among the first residents in the New Pathway Home. Now after 55 years they are reunited with each other. They are very happy and praising God for their reunion at the New Pathway Home.    

Thank you for being part of God’s story in Myanmar.
Jeff Hills
VP of Development

We would like to introduce you to the caretakers for our six widows at the New Pathway Home. Mr Let Sei was the custodian of Namihan Christian Church and his wife is a former Hope Preschool teacher. They have a two year old daughter. They have been in charge of security and overseeing the construction since the beginning of the New Pathway Home project.

They are a devoted Christian couple and are very trustworthy. We are so happy that they are willing to work with these residents. Please pray for our caretakers as they will be caring for the needs of our six residents.

About the Project
Christian Horizons has provided the funds to build a 7-bedroom home in Tamu, Myanmar. We’re calling this the New Pathway Home because it will provide residents with a new pathway to well-being. The New Pathway Home will be completed in December and will accommodate six residents and one caregiver. These precious residents will be provided with daily living assistance.
The journey for these residents isn’t over. Click here to follow their story and the New Pathway Home progress.

Thank you for your gifts and thank you for reaching around the world and caring for Myanmar’s most vulnerable.

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