“A Complete Dependence”

    The kids sing a certain song.  The other day, it hit me stronger than usual.  It’s the remake of “Lord, I Need You.” You can hear the Spanish version in the video above. The video is limited in portraying the fervor and force that our students use to sing this song. It’s one of our favorites and the more I sit and listen, the more this song is everything about Morning Glory.

    As I learn about missions and see different models, the more I respect Lori Nij for her leadership and complete dedication to God’s will.  I’ve seen her turned inside-out as she lays her desires on the word of God to see where it lines up. She helps those that need it, but does not generate a self-defeating welfare system.  And, among so many other things, she models what it means to rely on God. When we sing “Lord, I Need You,” we aren’t teaching kids to ask for prosperity. We are proclaiming a complete dependence on God, from top to bottom.

“Even though it’s a painful lesson, it’s necessary”

     Guatemala has dealt with some unfortunate occurrences this year.  Our kids can see on the news and on TV where gang members took over parts of a prison.  They know of the young girls that were caught in a fire at a children’s home of all places. They saw the accounts of a car driving through a peaceful protest, maiming and eventually killing a would-be future lawyer. Our students and their families are constantly reminded that waking up tomorrow is a gift, not a guarantee. Milton does an excellent job of explaining to the children what happens and what it means to them in terms they can understand. Milton helps them remember that they depend on the Lord for every second of life and every opportunity that comes with it. Obviously this applies to everyone, everywhere, but in Guatemala, we seem to see more frequent and startling reminders: We need the Lord for our futures and our present. Even though its a painful lesson, it’s necessary. Our students from a young age are taught to rely on God for their very existence.

“Right as we need it”

    I’ve said to many people “When God moves at Morning Glory, He gives us what we need right as we need it.”  Since I’ve been here, I’ve seen God make us wait to start Secondary School and Diversified School until we had the staff and buildings we needed to go forward.  I’ve seen Him open up two pieces of land adjacent to the school at one time, then provide the funds to buy and build. There was no extended planning.  There were no phases.  There was no thermometer funds meter.  God just said “Here’s the door.  Go.” Lori and all of us obeyed. God has provided land, buildings, computers, cameras, and a plethora of other things that we didn’t see coming.  The land I am sitting on right now is a forever testament to me to how much we need God to keep us growing.  All of the changes that have come to us in Morning Glory’s existence have been because God is moving, blessing us, and teaching us to rely on him.  I laugh to myself because I know God does things this way so we can make no mistake that it is Him providing these spontaneous opportunities.

We know the job is bigger than we are.  But God is bigger than the job.

   I could write pages about how God shows up in Lori’s office, when desperate parents and hurting children are in need of wisdom and love. I could talk about the times where God allows us to see His glory in the worship of our students.  We could revisit the groups and volunteers who have spent time bent over, praying with students and teachers who are encountering God’s love all over again in Bible & Chapel classes.  Suffice it to say, as anyone who works with students knows, that we have learned to rely on God to help us deliver His word and minister to the community.  Lori spends the night in prayer before every parent meeting she plans. In the meetings she doesn’t plan, Lori relies on the Spirit to give her the words to say. Our teachers are constantly met with the need for God to give them an ear to listen, and the right words to say.  We know the job is bigger than we are.  But God is bigger than the job.  

    At Morning Glory, day in, day out; before and after every bell; on the soccer field, at the teacher’s desk, and on the picnic tables, our hearts and souls cry out: “Lord, I need you.” Pray for us and with us in this. Ask God to provide our every need. Ask Him to preside in and over Morning Glory as we share His ministry to everyone who sets foot on our campus.

Rob Courtney
Director of Campus Relations
Celebrating the 1st Day of Summer!
Click here to give to Morning Glory
Praises! We thank God for WIFI and working cameras on campus. We are thankful to Him and our supporters for provision. We have made budget every month for 2017 and we even have the funds to start building a new additional office building!
Prayers! Pray for our students as mid-term exams are taking place next week. Pray for all the people affected by a stomach bug that is going around. Pray for Michael & RoseMary Martin as they seek to transition back to the US.
Morning Glory is a division of NIMA
Copyright © 2017 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.