San Raymundo, Guatemala
Jan 10th, 2017


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     There is a bakery is San Raymundo.  You don’t normally see a lot of people there but if you ask, it is one of the favorite bakeries of the people in town.  In fact, the bakery isn’t really known for its outstanding food. Everyone likes this bakery for one main reason:  before you ever see the location, you can smell the strong and satisfying aroma of bread and cakes. If you ever need a reminder of the power the sense of smell, walk by this bakery because some would say the fragrance is intoxicating. While you don’t see it, its presence is well known.  There is an experience, whether or not you choose to partake.  When you walk near that bakery on the corner, there is no doubt that you sense the aroma and even if just for a moment, it changes you.

     In 2 Corinthians Chapter 2, Paul uses this same sensation to describe a different angle in describing our purpose in the world.  Paul mentions that, as Christ-followers we “are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ…” (v 15).  He goes on to point out that we are the aroma of Christ, to, well, everyone.  Paul says in v 14 that our it is our task to spread this “aroma of the knowledge of  him everywhere.”  As usual, we can assume Paul is carefully choosing his metaphor.  There is something unique about an aroma.  Think about your favorite food that makes you hungry the moment you smell it. The perfume of a significant other can trigger the same comfortable sensations that you feel when you are wrapped in their tight and loving embrace.  Certain smell can even snap you back to a place and time of special memories. You don’t have to see it. You don’t have to touch it. Just the aroma of certain things  is enough to grab your full attention.  An aroma is a hint of a reality that you don’t have to see to fall in love with the experience. 

     Morning Glory isn’t just a project to help our students.  Morning Glory wants to minister to the community; not in hundreds of gifts, but in setting the example of what a relationship with Christ looks like and how using His values, lives can be changed.  Morning Glory wants the people of San Raymundo to be superb for God as an example of His righteousness and glory. We want our students to take responsibility to reflect Christ-like values and actions.  We want the community to see our staff and feel the presence of God.  We want the Morning Glory Story to be based in the knowledge of God. We want Morning Glory students to spread that knowledge everywhere they go. We want all to know that God is in Morning Glory and that our congregation takes God with them.  We want God’s aroma to be apparent to every visitor.  We hope, pray, and strive that our love for Christ be obvious to all.  We ask you to join with us.  In order to reach new heights, we need matching levels of commitment from our partners.  This year, we need your prayers, your visits, your donations, and your support of every type to fill Morning Glory with the aroma of God.  Don’t underestimate your role in God’s Kingdom, and specifically this mission.

     We love you and thank you for getting us this far.  May the aroma of Christ fill your lives as it fills Morning Glory, San Raymundo, and all of Guatemala.

Click here to give and help us spread our aroma!
Praises! This year God has provided a camera security system and very probably wifi access, making our campus more secure, and administrative tasks more efficient.  We are so grateful for the partners who contributed to make these provisions possible.  We are grateful for an even bigger staff than ever with almost 50 employees!  We are ready to start the year!
Prayers!  Please keep praying for Yeisson Cotzojay.  Pray for Lori and the rest of the staff as they prepare for the first day of classes.  Pray for abundant provision for Morning Glory for the year 2017.  
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2017 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.