San Raymundo, Guatemala
February 5th, 2016
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     The long term is “an instrument of communication with parents.”  But we like to call them “Two weekers” (it sounds a little smoother in Spanish. Whatever we call them, Lori has borrowed an idea to help keep the students accountable for their behavior.
     Just two weeks ago, Lori and the administration staff put in a lot of hours to make personalized conduct report cards for Secondary School and 6th grade students.  The cards have listed several undesirable behaviors, ranging from “disrespected” to “skipped class.” Lori then gave these cards to the students and now we will see the fruits of their labor.
     The cards themselves are simple: every time a student commits one of the undesirable behaviors, the teacher of the class notes it in a record he or she has. Then, Lori reviews the teacher’s records and notes it in her “master log” using a system of personal codes for the teachers and the students and separate codes for the offenses.
Lori personally checks to make sure the student’s bring their cards.
Here’s what a clean conduct report card looks like
      Every two weeks, the cards are filled out and sent home for the parents to look over and sign. Unsigned cards simply aren’t accepted and Lori and the administration make phone calls to ensure they parents are seeing the cards. Simply put, Lori isn’t playing around. She wants to make sure the parents are aware of what is going on with their kids at school.
     Over time, Lori will develop a rewards programs so the kids that have few to no problems are rewarded for their behavior.  But the kids that have recurring problems are reported on the government-mandated conduct certificate.  Students can be denied entry into Morning Glory next year if they don’t have a positive conduct report at the end of the year. 
      Lori has found a great way to enforce Morning Glory’s core values of integrity and responsibility with the students and their parents.  Now the students are held accountable and must report to their parents. Parents must stay in contact with the school. Everyone had the opportunity to win with this system.  The sheriff has a new trick and God will be glorified.

Reminder note from Herb:

We must raise over $21,000.00 a month to keep Morning Glory going. Check your account sheets, Are your sponsor payments up to date? How about your monthly gifts? I just want you to know that we are running a little behind and borrowing from building fund to make it.

However, we are doing better than many missions and mega churches. Just so you know, Agape Christian is paying the total stateside operational costs except printing and mailing for the Mission. Your gifts go totally to your designation, the salaries, and to the student’s expenses. One major mission sending group has had to call home 400 missionaries and are still in the red. Some Christian Colleges have been lying off professors. We want to keep Lori and crew going fell speed ahead, and we need your monthly help to do that. If you can help mail it to:

PO Box 15133
Las Cruces, NM 88004

or click the link below.

God Bless you.
Herb Pinney  

Click here to donate!
Prayers! Pray for two week conduct report initiative. Pray that is will produce fruit in our students that will honor God. Pray for provision for Morning Glory.  Pray that the interns and groups that come soon will have doors opened for them to change lives. 
Praises! We praise God for recent victories.  The Pre-Primary students won a basketball tournament and in a recent reading competition, Morning Glory students took home 1st place in 3 of the 4 categories.  We praise god for a fun day to go to the water park (see our facebook page).  We thank god for each one of you that takes time to read about us. 
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2016 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.