You can make a difference – for the people of Vanuatu, our family, and eternity. God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
Bible translation is a serious business…but not always! Listen to this story from our last module:

Arthur, one of the Sa translators, approached Craig when he reached Proverbs 5:3: “The lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil.” Now the ni-Vanuatu don’t eat honey or have a word for it so this was not an easily understandable tok pija (word picture). Arthur asked in Bislama, “So honey is the excrement of the sugar bug, right?” Craig explained that honey is more like the vomit of the sugar bug. Then Craig said, “Why do you ask?” Arthur responded, “Well we had ‘her lips are sweeter than the excrement of a sugar bug,’ but I will change it to vomit.” Then Craig explained that the whole point was that her words were sweet and seductive, so they could really just substitute something sweet from their culture. They agreed and settled on saying, “The words of the adulterous woman are sweet like sugar cane.”

Craig continued thinking about this matter and asked Arthur how he had translated Deuteronomy 6 and the description of the promised land as “a land flowing with milk and honey.” Arthur explained that he had translated “a land flowing with the liquid that you squeeze out of the breast of a cow and the excrement of sugar bugs.” (There is no word for milk in Sa, either) Finally the translators decided to say that the land of Canaan was “a land filled with all of the best things.”

Talk about a word picture! 🙂 On a more serious note, thank you for praying for our family and encouraging us as we live and serve the Bibleless in Vanuatu. We are so glad to be here!

Matt & Angie (and the kids)


Sunday School Spotlight

Top: Another teacher asked me to go call on a Sunday School family with her. I will leave out the multiple misunderstandings that led up to this picture, but we ended up having a great evening sharing a Bible story with the kids and cake afterwards.

Lower left: One of my students reading a verse from my Bislama Bible. In my class all the students know Bislama and some are also learning French or English in school. Add to that their village languages and it makes for a very multilingual setting!

Lower right: I taught the kids how to play a game where they break up into groups and make themselves into a moving item. Here they are deciding who will act out the different moving parts to make themselves into a toaster. (They got bonus points for having two boys be the toast popping up!)

We’re still adjusting to one aspect of our new home – the yard! It’s four times as big as our last place and we’re responsible for all of it. It takes Matt about 6 sessions to weed-eat the entire yard! We’re also turning the raised bed in the photo into a vegetable garden.
Since our house is on the same property with the team office / VISTA building, we are able to serve our team by taking care of the yard, hosting get togethers, and of course the month-long VISTA classes. We can’t wait for the national translators to come back into town next month and enjoy the yard with us!
Prayer Points

~ We are both working on a grant proposal that will hopefully renew our funding for the VISTA program for the next two years. (No pressure) Please pray that we can get all the details worked out quickly and turn in the first draft this week. 

~ Angie and her co-teacher Cristy Yan are planning a trip to Ambae August 29 – September 3 to lead a Sunday School Teacher Training in 3 different parts of the island. Two of those areas are where some of our national translators in the VISTA program live. Please pray that we can pull together all of the logistical details and prepare a great training for the teachers. 

~ Please continue to pray for our teammates the Kopkes as they prayerfully plan to return to Vanuatu in September. We are so excited to have them back with us again soon!

Copyright © 2016 Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.