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  Prayer: connecting to our Creator… What comes from praying?
Have you ever woken up thinking of someone as though they were in need of prayer?  As though God had placed them on your heart? — What if the Holy Spirit is stirring you to pray for them? – What if we respond and hold virtual hands with other disciples throughout the world. – Can our prayers change the course of events for one soul, a family, a community, a nation?  
1 John 5:14–15   “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.”
Prayer request: 
• We have begun prayer groups in many nations, now in the United States – Pray as our group develops that we might be effectual in leading our community to pray.
• Pray for our global partners. Many things can hinder our mission work that seeks to grow Gods kingdom, no greater threat than spiritual attacks on our global partners. Pray for them by name, and pray for their families : Peter, James, David, Paul, Nigel, Joseph. 
• Pray for our work in reconstruction of a pre school building in Sudan that had been ravaged by winds ( Donate link brings you to a site you can contributed if God leads you to, a need of $450 remains.) 
• Pray for the teachers and students as they are without a roof. 
• Pray the getting of supplies and repair can be done quickly and without problems.