at the end of the rope



At the end of the rope







Over the past few weeks we met with many people that share a direct interest in our work in South Sudan. One notable partner was a former jihadist that now proclaims the power and love of the Creators Son, Jesus. 
These divine appointments are because of your prayers. Our workshop“ Bridging Cultures for Christ” was well attended and our new book by the same name was well received. It was our best conference. 
At this hour, refugees from South Sudan are emerging on the Congo border with harrowing accounts of the ongoing genocide. In Uganda tension are on the rise as King Charles Mumbere is accused of separatism by the government. Mumbere has ties with the United States as he spent many years in Pennsylvania working at a nursing home. Eyewitness testify  “In a shocking display of heavy-handedness, many people appear to have been summarily shot dead and their bodies dumped. Our last count is 87 dead.
How this effects MERCY PARTNERS. Working in these two conflict zones becomes increasingly difficult. While many missionaries and organizations have pulled out, our task of empower native disciples has steadily grown. This week we want to thank you for praying. Thank you for your partnership and welcome a few new prayer partners that will begin to receive this prayer update. 
  • Pray for the physical and spiritual safety of our coworkers in South Sudan and Uganda. 
  • Pray for the upcoming feeding program during a time of famine. 
  • Pray for the widows and orphans, your brothers and sisters. 
  • Pray for the new partners that will come alongside of our needs during this “ Giving Tuesday”.
  • Give thanks for all of what our Father has provided for us and yourself. 



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