Ireland Speaks Out

Former Irish president Mary Robinson has called for justice to be carried out against those guilty of human rights abuses in South Sudan. Ms. Robinson is part of an international statesmen and women group known as The Elders who are led by the ex-UN general secretary Kofi Annan.

“The suffering should shame us all.” – Mary Robinson

“As Elders, we stand in solidarity with the people of South Sudan and will continue to press for peace and justice.”

Pictured in the above photograph (taken by Jeff Moore) is Nelson Mandela, who founded The Elders in 2007, and Mary Robinson who is on the right of former US president Jimmy Carter.


As Memorial Day is celebrated in the United States, MERCY PARTNERS prays for both the families of soldiers of justice and those of soldiers of mercy who have engaged and died in conflict within South Sudan. Also, for those soldiers who were tasked with U.N. patrol who have also perished over the past four years during war. 

• Pray for the world’s attention to increase and focus on the killings in South Sudan. 


• Pray for the leadership, both present and rising, within South Sudan that they incite and wage peace. 

Update on feeding program:

 $5,115  is still needed to complete stage 3 of the feeding program for 1200 souls. Most all the country is situation code is stressed to Elevated while Unity state is in full blown famine. 

PRAY for our church family in South Sudan and CONTRIBUTE so they can be the hands and feet of Jesus to feed the hungry during this dire time.

PRAY we make our goal!

$7 food for a day,    

$29 food for a week  

$116 food for a month  

 We will be supplying food direct to the starving for 4 months. 

Any amount helps in a big way!










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