






THIS PAST SUNDAY – in Sudan, One member of our church family testified how he was beaten and both his two eyes were patched, and he was left dead in bush by thugs. He was a boda boda driver (motorbike driver) who was order to carry two armed men. They took him to the bush, and they took his bike. He thanks God that is alive and one eye is seeing. – pray for him, – This Sunday we were able to witness our old members coming back to Church, in total we have 50 old members and around 100 kids. War has been harsh. Pray as situations are fragile and economy is so bad. This Resurrection Sunday, many of our brothers and sisters in Christ would otherwise go hungry, so we have created a campaign for this need and you can help by clicking HERE! – 

• Praise God for the Resurrection Victory that we, the Family of God, can celebrate this Sunday!
• Pray for those brutally injured due to the war in South Sudan. 
• Pray that God will prod the hearts of those who have to bring equality to those Christians that do not. (Meditate on 2 Corinthians 8 and imagine the church in Gudele South Sudan as the Church in Macedonia and you have the right picture!) 
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