South Sudan – This past week news outlets from around the world have posted a photograph of South Sudan’s President and Vice President embracing. After 3 years of a terrifying and bloody war, this gives many of us hope. Many in South Sudan still wage war among one another and the leadership has a mighty task ahead of them to bring reconciliation. 
Pictured above, The construction of our school continues. Over 700 children from 17 tribes are registered, many of which take their lessons sitting on the dirt floor. Over the next two months we are addressing the need for School benches, completion of the school, relief for the returning displaced community and vocational training among the injured. 
Out of the thousands of returning population, we do not know of any other organization that is addressing the needs for food, medicine and shelter for the IDP’s ( Internally Displaced Population)  -We are structuring a major outreach to care for 3,000. Pray for this outreach to be blessed.
Malaria and Typhoid –  Our co laborer, Peter, has been orchestrating Mercy Partners projects in South Sudan. Peter has taken ill with not only Malaria, but also Typhoid.  – We are requesting prayer for healing for him.
– Update on Dembet – “Dembet” has been reached by other disciples nearby and has been found to have been fluid in thought and Tom has also heard from him.  He voiced appreciation for the concern and worry we have for his life and he has been prayed over. Please continue to lift him up in prayer and we will continue to provide more updates on this young man. 

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