Education -War & Peace







BREAKING NEWS – SOUTH SUDAN Rebel leader ( Vice President Designee) Riek Machar has arrived in the capital, Juba, after a week-long delay that has threatened to scupper a peace deal. >>>>>>>>>> He is expected to be sworn in later as the first vice-president in a new unity government.


This is a key part of the deal aimed at ending more than two years of conflict that has killed tens of thousands and left two million people homeless.


PRAY – as we begin construction of our school expansion for 750 At risk displaced children within walking distance from Juba.  ( THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW SCHOOLS THAT HAVE OPERATED THROUGH THE WAR!) 
PRAY – For the establishment of Peace.
PRAY – for our  “Light the Fire” – prayer event in Columbia North Carolina and our 168 hours of continuous prayer throughout the US, Uganda, South Sudan. 
Click link below to pick your hour to pray!

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