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  Reality sinks in … Results of your prayers!
Konstantin Josef Jireček, was a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist penned the words that we included in our masthead for this weeks prayer focus. It states: 
“We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing”.
Much is the sentiment of peacemakers in South Sudan as reality sinks in after last weeks prayer request entitled “CRITICAL” when we reported unrest on the roads of Juba, American journalist were injured and took a beating and leaders of South Sudan called the President as the unfit partner.  Many leaders in South Sudan have spoken out against anti-American political rhetoric specifically against the Trump administration after the administration led an arms embargo. 
We note a change of heart as we hear the following from key leaders: 
“Our country is too young to engage in volatile arguments with the West and the Region. Who can deny that America has been a staunch supporter since the days of armed struggle all the way to the attainment of Independence? “
One South Sudanese man with no political interest yearns for peace to come as he cries: 
 “ Please God helps me to let my voice reaches the ears of elites in Addis Ababa ( where the peace talks continue). What if this is done? [ Peace]  – Poor man like me and many others dying and yearning for peace would have a country and leaders to be proud of !”  ( and may we add, God to give thanks to.) 
• Continue to pray for our work in the South Sudan as there is much to be done Spiritually through the relationships we have fostered.  
• Praise God that we continue to stand hand and hand with native evangelists during conflict. 
• Pray for Spiritual protection for our brothers and sisters and for God to secure our communication during the ongoing conflict that we might show the equality of Gods Grace during such times.