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Physical food resulting in Spiritual gain? 


VOICE OF AMERICA broadcasted live from our ground-zero famine relief with a radio segment on how MERCY PARTNERS is empowering the Church in South Sudan during the war. The segment on Mercy Partners begins from 12:58min to 16:48 within the VOA broadcast found at https://www.voanews.com/a/3897076.html 


Throughout 2017 you have provided emergency food for hungry families as famine is sweeping through the nation of South Sudan during the first few months of 2017. During our second food distribution, we provided more food than the previous due to the downfall of the dollar against South Sudanese Pound and the lowering of prices in the market. During this food distribution exercise, we were able to distribute 384 family households. Such a distribution has indirectly benefited more than one thousand people; some of which are pregnant women, persons with disabilities, the sick; the elderly, and regular members of Gudele Church of Christ. If the food is properly managed, it will last families for an entire month.


Even in the face of famine and conflict, the importance of being united with fellow believers during times of suffering has become evident. Native evangelist Emmy reports, 


“In our hands as native citizens of this land, many lose their hope for peace and the leadership of our country South Sudan… Our concern as the faithful church of Christ, in conjunction with the other local churches around, is to preach the message of peace within the communities, and we are hopeful that this will be the only tool [needed] to bring peace back to our country…” 


Throughout this outreach process in connection with the feeding program, Emmy met with and included other churches than his own from the surrounding region. The strong and gracious bond that these believers have, despite their minuscule differences, has led to tremendous spiritual impact in their communities.


Juwan, our new sister in Christ, was baptized after the feeding program because of your love for those suffering. Because of your love for those suffering around the world, lives and souls are being saved in Jesus’ name.


  • Praise God for the 1000 feed and our new sister in Christ.


  • Praise God for your love and prayers that made this happen.  


2835 needed to complete stage 3 of the feeding program for 1200 souls. Most all the country is situation code is stressed to Elevated while Unity state is in full blown famine. 

PRAY for our church family in South Sudan and CONTRIBUTE so they can be the hands and feet of Jesus to feed the hungry during this dire time.

PRAY we make our goal!

$7 food for a day,    

$29 food for a week  

$116 food for a month  

 We will be supplying food direct to the starving for 4 months. 

Any amount helps in a big way!











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