Lifeline Christian Mission
Your generosity leaves us humbled and amazed!

Many of you have reached deep and given. You have left us in awe and gratitude with your gifts of all sizes.  Over $49,000 has been donated and we are thanking God for you!
But we’re not done yet.
As we shared before, summers are financially difficult for ministries, so we made cost saving decisions to minimize the impact on the ministry. As our resources dwindled, we reached out to you, our donors, to fill the $90,000 gap.
A generous donor has stepped up with a final challenge: 
they will match your donation this week – no matter the size – up to $30,000.
You can step in to not only close the gap, but to blow it away! 
Your donation – of any size – provides healthy foods to hungry kids, enables impoverished kids to receive a Christian education, shares the gospel with an unreached people deep in the Panama mountains, to provide lifesaving health care to families…the list is endless.
Can you donate to change lives for eternity? 

Serving Christ together,

Ben Simms, President & CEO

Lifeline Christian Mission

P.S. This is the last call, the final ask to those who have not yet donated towards this summer ask.  Please consider giving a gift today.
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 104, Westerville, OH 43081