Lifeline Christian Mission
How do you go from 0 to 300?
…one person at a time
High in the mountains of Panama, the Guaymí* people call these lush, tropical forests their home.  They are an indigenous tribe whose lives are simple and homes are built from wood found in the surrounding jungles.  
Yet, all is not as it seems in this tropical paradise: they idolize a woman who founded the Mama Tata religion.

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Why Panama?
Here are a few reasons to share Christ’s love.  And join us in praying for partners that will bring the love of Christ to the nation of Panama!

ministry highlights
new baptistry

The baptistery is being installed in our newly renovated church at Grand Goave.  We’ll miss the trips to the ocean, but this will enable many more to witness new believers committing their lives to Christ.

After a few difficult months planting a new church at Las Esperanza, Pastor Amable shared that 4 people were baptized!  Please continue praying for this new church, these new believers, and for Amable and his family.

mission team
Mission teams
Thank you for serving in our mission fields during June to share Christ’s love: Southland Christian Church (KY), Valley View Christian Church (CO), North Park Church of Christ (OH), Northfield Church of Christ (IA), team from Indianapolis (IN) and Worthington (OH), and Worthington Christian Church (OH).
the building comes down
Navajo ministry
Demo is finished! Now onto renovations, church plants, discipleship and school growth. God is good. Thank you Jana and Christ’s Church of Flagstaff for your help moving us past the hurdles and onto greater things!

VBS kids
United States
We are thankful for churches who are teaching their VBS kids about missions and collecting donations to spread God’s love around the world!  Eastpointe Christian Church (OH), Center Point Christian Church (MO), and First Christian Church of Malvern (OH) all have VBS weeks coming soon.


Stay connected with more ministry highlights: like us on Facebook

serve the children
Join one of these upcoming ministry-focused mission teams to serve others and strengthen your relationship with Christ!  
Haiti men’s team :: September 12-21, 2016
You’ll work at our Savanne Carre Christian Church to finish construction on their church building.  As part of this unique experience, you’ll stay at the church and enjoy meals there. 
Honduran women’s team :: October 25-November 3, 2016
Serve the women & children in Lifeline’s ministries throughout Honduras! You’ll travel to Tegucigalpa to encourage the ladies at Living Hope, spread joy when you distribute sponsor gifts to the children in the San Pedro Sula area, and love on the girls at our Omoa Children’s Home.
Haiti women’s team :: January 11-20, 2017
You’ll share Jesus’ love to the Haitian ladies through a special day just for them, experience the joy of distributing gifts to the sponsored children, meet the physical needs of the children when you distribute shoes to the poorest, and enjoy shopping for native crafts and gifts.  
Contact or 614-794-0108 to register today!
praises & prayer requests
We humbly request your prayers and ask you join us celebrating how God is moving:

Lifeline Christian Mission
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363