Are you at the North American Christian Convention this week? 

Stop by our booth (#410) in the exhibit hall!
Lifeline Christian Mission
Matt assists with food distribution in Haiti
Act & Do
by Matt Collins, Vice President of Program Development
I had the privilege of traveling to Haiti with my son Ethan recently.  It was his first time riding through the streets of Port-au-Prince and Grand Goave.  He saw the streets lined with trash, the crumbling buildings and makeshift houses.  I could tell he felt a little uncomfortable, as did I.  

ministry highlights
summer reading program
These students are becoming stronger readers and better learners because they’re enrolled in our summer reading program in Grand Goave, Haiti!
Adam, Abby, and Damas
Abby, our Finance Manager, had great meetings with Adam, our Haiti Field Director and his assistant Damas, as they strive to make the US and Haiti financial operations work efficiently together. The future is so promising with our Haitian staff!
Our Bible Institute students are developing their God-given potential by gaining leadership skills through hands-on learning. Jorge, who was baptized last weekend, is a result of God’s grace, these students’ passion to serve, and your generosity!

Brad & Bonnie
Navajo Nation
Brad & Bonnie Jones, our new church planters at our Red Sands Christian Church, will be at the NACC in Anaheim.  Stop by our booth in the exhibit hall to meet them!

United States
Coming to the North American Christian Convention? Stop by our booth (#410) in the exhibit hall for your roll of bags to package meals for hungry kids around the world!

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project update
Many children and communities are experiencing God’s love because of your generosity:
  • More Haitians can hear about Jesus because of donations given to complete the expanded, renovated Grand Goave (Haiti) church and the church offices. 
  • Haitian pastors and leaders are being educated and encouraged because a committed partner has funded the launch of the new Bible Institute in Haiti.
  • Smiles of joy brighten the Honduran children’s faces because a new, donated mini-warehouse provides much needed storage for sponsor gifts and food.
  • Larger staff meetings, retreats, and school events at our CaryHill campus (Honduras) are becoming closer to reality, as construction continues with the stucco/exterior of the main building. 

Ministry needs are being met because much needed donations were given in June to fill our funding gap.

Will you change more lives for eternity?
to discover where you and your church can share Christ’s love!

praises & prayer requests
We humbly request your prayers for our ministry communities: praises & prayer requests

Lifeline Christian Mission
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 104, Westerville, OH 43081