A mustard seed has become a mustard tree

IDP community LIA works within in Somaliland 

But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. – Jeremiah 1:7


In 2003, while our family was in Ethiopia, we received two visitors from Kenya. My brother Simon and his friend Francis stopped to see us on a transit to Somaliland and back. God had instructed them to travel to Hargeisa, Somaliland to pray for the land and to set a foundation for what God intends to do in the days to come.

These two spent the night at our Ethiopia home with us and fellowship was blessed. As I took them to the airport for their onward journey to Somaliland, Simon asked if he could “borrow” my bible to travel with. This concerned me in a way because I did not understand, how they were on a prayer mission and had not carried their own bible?! It also was a wrong timing because we had already left the house and they were getting late for their flight and the only bible I had with me was very personal. I had underlined scripture in my bible and written precious words in the margins that were revelations for me. Very valuable words God had spoken and I had put them on my bible pages. I really wished he had asked when we were in the house because I could have given  him one of the Gideon’s Bibles we had laying around. 

I contemplated saying no but after some silence, I knew I had to let him to borrow my bible. Reluctantly I gave him the bible but with a stern reminder that it was precious and that in two days I would meet them and he needs to be sure to be extra careful to make sure I get it back. It was a small blue bible.  He received it with appreciation but did not respond to my instructions to care for it or even assure me that he would bring it back!

As I dropped them off, I felt very sad that I was allowing him to go with my bible. As they took their flight and left for Somaliland, I felt like they went with a part of me. Two days later, I waited eagerly at the airport to meet them on their way back through Ethiopia to Kenya. Before I even asked how the prayer initiative had gone, I asked for my bible, feeling like it had been ages since I parted with it. It was a bible I had kept since high school, since the time God called me to missions. Simon smiled then went on to tell me that God had instructed him to ask for my bible so he could bury it in Hargeisa. God’s word to him was that the word will continue to speak to the land and someday, LIA will serve in the land. Needless to say – it was a great personal loss at that time. That is why I recall it so clearly after 13 years.

My bible was gone and buried, forever!  But not in vain. Some of you who have been in the LIA family can recall; before the end of that year, the Lord gave us a mission trip opportunity to Somaliland in partnership with Life International. Then two years later, in 2005 after the Tsunami, LIA was involved in Kismayu to minister to those affected by the disaster in partnership with Southeast Christian Church and World Concern. Eventually, our work in Somaliland took shape and Hargeisa is now the LIA base in Somaliland. A mustard seed has become a mustard tree. The Lord truly watches over his word to fulfill it.

Pray for this land in the words of the above passage that the Lord will fulfill His purpose for Somaliland.

In Christ, 

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